

FreeBSD14.1 ; Jail Install

Jail It is a mechanism that allows multiple virtual FreeBSD environments to be created on a FreeBSD environment. A jail is an extension of chroot, and a jail environment (called a prisoners) built on a host ring (called a jailer) behaves as a FreeBSD machine running separately from the host environment. The prisoner cannot directly attach to the jailer or another parallel prisoner. Features of JAIL ・High speed operation because it is not emulation. ・Each prisoner can be assigned an IP address different from that of the jailer. ・Since the same file system is used for a jailer and a prisoner, it is necessary to be careful about the assignment of UID/GID. This time, build two prisoners (prisoner1 and prisoner2) in jailer (FreeBSD14.1)

Ubuntu24.04 ; Zabbix7 Install

Installation of open source integrated monitoring software "Zabbix7". Zabbix is an open source integrated monitoring software for centralized monitoring of servers, networks and applications. It provides monitoring, fault detection and notification functions required for integrated monitoring. With Zabbix agent and SNMP support for many platforms, you can monitor your entire system with a single Zabbix. To run Zabbix, you will need the PHP programming language, MySQL/MariaDB as a database server, and a web server such as Apache or Nginx. In this case, we will assume that all of the following conditions have already been configured. This time we will install Zabbix 7.0 LTS released on 06/04/2024 in the following environment. Apache/2.4.58 10.11.8-MariaDB PHP 8.3.6 PHP-fpm

Debian12.x ; Zabbix7 Install

Installation of open source integrated monitoring software "Zabbix7". Zabbix is an open source integrated monitoring software for centralized monitoring of servers, networks and applications. It provides monitoring, fault detection and notification functions required for integrated monitoring. With Zabbix agent and SNMP support for many platforms, you can monitor your entire system with a single Zabbix. To run Zabbix, you will need the PHP programming language, MySQL/MariaDB as a database server, and a web server such as Apache or Nginx. In this case, we will assume that all of the following conditions have already been configured. This time we will install Zabbix 7.0 LTS released on 06/04/2024 in the following environment. Apache/2.4.59 (Debian) 10.11.6-MariaDB PHP 8.2.20 PHP-fpm

AlmaLinux9.x ; Zabbix7 Install

Installation of open source integrated monitoring software "Zabbix7". Zabbix is an open source integrated monitoring software for centralized monitoring of servers, networks and applications. It provides monitoring, fault detection and notification functions required for integrated monitoring. With Zabbix agent and SNMP support for many platforms, you can monitor your entire system with a single Zabbix. To run Zabbix, you will need the PHP programming language, MySQL/MariaDB as a database server, and a web server such as Apache or Nginx. In this case, we will assume that all of the following conditions have already been configured. This time we will install Zabbix 7.0 LTS released on 06/04/2024 in the following environment. AlmaLinux9.4 IP( Apache/2.4.57 (AlmaLinux) mysql Ver 8.0.36 PHP 8.3.8 (cli) PHP 8.3.8 (fpm-fcgi)
Rocky Linux9.3_en

RockyLinux9.x ; Zabbix7 Install

Installation of open source integrated monitoring software "Zabbix7". Zabbix is an open source integrated monitoring software for centralized monitoring of servers, networks and applications. It provides monitoring, fault detection and notification functions required for integrated monitoring. With Zabbix agent and SNMP support for many platforms, you can monitor your entire system with a single Zabbix. To run Zabbix, you will need the PHP programming language, MySQL/MariaDB as a database server, and a web server such as Apache or Nginx. In this case, we will assume that all of the following conditions have already been configured. This time we will install Zabbix 7.0 LTS released on 06/04/2024 in the following environment. RockyLinux9.4 IP( Apache/2.4.57 (Rocky Linux) mysql Ver 8.0.36 PHP 8.3.8 (cli) PHP 8.3.8 (fpm-fcgi)

OracleLinux9.x ; Zabbix7 Install

Installation of open source integrated monitoring software "Zabbix7". Zabbix is an open source integrated monitoring software for centralized monitoring of servers, networks and applications. It provides monitoring, fault detection and notification functions required for integrated monitoring. With Zabbix agent and SNMP support for many platforms, you can monitor your entire system with a single Zabbix. To run Zabbix, you will need the PHP programming language, MySQL/MariaDB as a database server, and a web server such as Apache or Nginx. In this case, we will assume that all of the following conditions have already been configured. This time we will install Zabbix 7.0 LTS released on 06/04/2024 in the following environment. OracleLinux9.4 IP( Apache/2.4.57 (Oracle Linux Server) mysql Ver 8.0.36 PHP 8.3.8 (cli) PHP 8.3.8 (fpm-fcgi)

openSUSE15.x ; Zabbix7 Install

Installation of open source integrated monitoring software "Zabbix7". Zabbix is an open source integrated monitoring software for centralized monitoring of servers, networks and applications. It provides monitoring, fault detection and notification functions required for integrated monitoring. With Zabbix agent and SNMP support for many platforms, you can monitor your entire system with a single Zabbix. To run Zabbix, you will need the PHP programming language, MySQL/MariaDB as a database server, and a web server such as Apache or Nginx. In this case, we will assume that all of the following conditions have already been configured. This time we will install Zabbix 7.0 LTS released on 06/04/2024 in the following environment. openSUSE15.6 (IP Apache/2.4.58 (Linux/SUSE) 10.11.8-MariaDB PHP 8.2.20 (cli) PHP 8.2.20 (fpm-fcgi)

FreeBSD14.x ; Zabbix7 Install

Installation of open source integrated monitoring software "Zabbix7". Zabbix is an open source integrated monitoring software for centralized monitoring of servers, networks and applications. It provides monitoring, fault detection and notification functions required for integrated monitoring. With Zabbix agent and SNMP support for many platforms, you can monitor your entire system with a single Zabbix. To run Zabbix, you will need the PHP programming language, MySQL/MariaDB as a database server, and a web server such as Apache or Nginx. In this case, we will assume that all of the following conditions have already been configured. This time we will install Zabbix 7.0 LTS released on 06/04/2024 in the following environment. FreeBSD14.1 IP( Apache/2.4.59 (FreeBSD) mysql Ver 8.0.35 PHP 8.3.6 (cli) PHP 8.3.6 (fpm-fcgi)

MiracleLinux9.x ; MIRACLE ZBX7 Install

Open Source Integrated Monitoring Software "MIRACLE ZBX" MIRACLE ZBX, enterprise-oriented integrated system monitoring software based on the open source Zabbix, with enhancements and modifications provided by Cybertrust. It implements security enhancements that comply with some requirements of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) security guidelines "NIST SP800-171" and "NIST SP800-53", which are becoming an international standard for security standards.

MiracleLinux9.2 ; Various settings after installation

1.Disabling SELinux First, disable selinux. selinux is a feature that improves auditing and security in Linux, but when enabled, it places considerable restrictions on the behavior of services and on what can be configured. Therefore, it is basically disabled in many cases. SELinux Operation Mode Enforcing : SELinux functionality is enabled and access control is enabled Permissive : SElinux will warn, but no access restrictions will be placed disabled : Both SElinux function and access control are disabled

MiracleLinux9.0 : Various settings after installation

1.Disabling SELinux First, disable selinux. selinux is a feature that improves auditing and security in Linux, but when enabled, it places considerable restrictions on the behavior of services and on what can be configured. Therefore, it is basically disabled in many cases. SELinux Operation Mode Enforcing : SELinux functionality is enabled and access control is enabled Permissive : SElinux will warn, but no access restrictions will be placed disabled : Both SElinux function and access control are disabled

OpenSUSE15.6 ; OS Install

OpenSUSE OpenSUSE is a Linux distribution that is community-based, free to the public, and active in adopting the latest technologies. It is sponsored by Novell and developed by the community. Originally, SUSE Linux was developed by SUSE, but after the acquisition of SUSE by Novell in 2003, Novell shifted the development structure to community-based by the OpenSUSE project as a distribution aiming for 100% open source, and changed the name from SUSE Linux to OpenSUSE Linux The name was changed to the current name. openSUSE is available as Leap, the stable version, and Tumbleweed, which uses a rolling-release model and is also the basis for the paid-for version of SUSE Linux Enterprise. Leap 15.6 will be released on June 12, 2024 and will provide up-to-date support for the latest hardware with improved YaST functionality and improved installers

OpenSUSE15.6 ; Various settings after OS installation

1.Using su command Not required if root password is set at the time of installation If you set a root password, set it as follows Log in as a general user 2. Modernize the system To modernize the system, enter the following command 3.locate Install The find command is used to search for a specific file on the entire Linux system, but find's options are somewhat confusing. In such cases, it is useful to have the locate command available, which can extract all files with a given filename

OpenSUSE15.6 ; Firewall , SSH、NTP Server

1. Setting up remote connection by SSH SSH is a service for connecting remotely to a server and is basically running immediately after the OS is installed, but the default settings are somewhat insecure. Here we will configure the default settings to increase the security of ssh connections. 1.1 SSH service configuration file changes Modify the configuration file to change the SSH service settings. The SSH service configuration file is "/etc/ssh/sshd_config".

OpenSUSE15.6 ; SSH connection with public key

Create a private key for the client and a public key for the server to allow login with key pair authentication 1.key pair creation Create a public/private key pair for a user connecting to the Linux server using OpenSSH. Use ssh-keygen to create key pairs. Creation of public/private key pairs is performed with remote login user privileges. If you do not specify the creation destination and file name, id_ed25519 and will be created in /home/huong/.ssh/. On the way, also enter the password for the key.