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Rocky Linux9.2_en

Rocky Linux9.2 ; SSH、firewalld 、NTP Server

1.Remote connection via SSH SSH is a service for connecting remotely to a server and is basically running immediately after the OS is installed, but the default settings are somewhat insecure. Here we will configure the default settings to increase the security of ssh connections. 1.1 Edit SSH service configuration file Modify the configuration file to change the SSH service settings. The SSH service configuration file is "/etc/ssh/sshd_config". 2.Firewall (firewalld) settings The firewall is set to firewalld as default and is enabled during OS installation. 4.NTP Server Build an NTP server to synchronize the server time with Japan Standard Time


FreeBSD FreeBSD is UNIX-like open source OS software. In particular, its performance as a network operating system exceeds that of Linux-based systems, and it maintains stable performance even under high loads. FreeBSD is designed to be robust and sturdy with an emphasis on practicality, making it suitable for operating FTP, WWW, and e-mail servers for major companies and services. In this project, we will install FreeBSD 13.3, released on March 5, 2024, and build the server. Features High-speed, high-performance multi-platform capable of withstanding high workloads Adopted by many major companies Network security measures can be applied by restricting access Capable of operating small to large servers More than 33,000 dedicated software applications from commercial to personal use

FreeBSD13.3 ; Initial setting (Update binaries, Packages and Ports Collection)

After installing FreeBSD, we will start building the server, but it is difficult to work on the console screen, so we will change the SSH connection settings for now in order to operate the server from Windows using TeraTerm or other software. Enter the following command on the FreeBSD console screen # vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config Line 61. #PasswordAuthentication no → PasswordAuthentication yes Make the changes and reflect the settings with the following command # service sshd restart Now you can connect via SSH from TeraTerm on Windows (see the default settings for other operating systems for settings in TeraTerm).

FreeBSD13.3 ; Initial setup (Vim , SSH , firewall, NTP server)

1. Vim Install Install Vim, which you are familiar with as an editor, as follows # pkg install -y vim 2. SSH Connection Security Measures 2.1 SSH port changed, root user login disabled 3. Firewall Settings FreeBSD has the following firewalls ・pf ・ipfw ・ipf In this case, we will use ipfw to configure the firewall 4. NTP Server Settings 4.1 Rewrite the referenced NTP server in /etc/ntp.conf. Add an appropriate server in Japan.

FreeBSD13.3 ; FTP Server , Samba Fileserver

1. FTP Sever (Vsftpd) 1.1 advance preparation ①Private Key Creation 2. File Server with Samba Use Samba to build a file server for Windows and Mac file sharing 2.1 Samba Install # cd /usr/ports/net/samba413/ # make Remove the active directory relationships for ADS and AD_DC, as they will not be used this time. LDAP is also removed because account management is not done through LDAP.

FreeBSD13.3 ; WEB Server(Apache2) , MySQL8

1. Apache2 1.1 Install # cd /usr/ports/www/apache24 # make config There are many options, but we will proceed with the defaults 2. MySQL Install Install MySQL before installing PHP # pkg install -y mysql80-client mysql80-server 3. apache24 - PHP 8.0 3.1 PHP Install # cd /usr/ports/lang/php83 # make config

FreeBSD13.3 ; Web Server SSL、Webmin

1. FreeBSD13.2 ; Web Server SSL、Webmin 1.1 Installing the Certbot tool for Let's Encrypt Run the following command to install the Certbot package # pkg install py39-certbot 2. Webmin Install Webmin is a web browser-based tool for configuring Unix-like operating systems (OS) such as Linux. It allows users to make numerous changes to internal OS settings such as user and disk usage limits, services, configuration files, etc., and to modify and control many open source applications such as Apache, PHP, MySQL, and others. Webmin is built primarily in Perl and runs as its own process and web server. By default, it communicates on TCP port 10000.

FreeBSD13.3 ; Mail Server(Postfix,Dovecot) , SSL/TLS

1. Obtaining a certificate for the mail server Obtain a certificate for the mail server to convert the mail server to SSL/TLS. Use the certbot that was used when the web server was converted to SSL. Stop the web server and execute the following command

FreeBSD13.3 ; Postfix ClamAV + Amavis + SpamassAssin

Install ClamAV on FreeBSD 13 and link it with Amavis against Postfix. ClamAV is anti-virus software. We will proceed on the assumption that you have already implemented Postfix. Before proceeding, update the Ports Collection. 2. Amavis Install Amavis, which links ClamAV and Postfix 3. Anti-Spam with SpamAssassin 3.1 SpamAssassin Install If you did not select spamassassin as an option when you installed Amavis, install it as follows
Rocky Linux9.2_en

Rocky Linux9.2 ; OS Install

Rocky Linux9.2 The Rocky Release Engineering team announced the latest version of Rocky Linux 9.0 on July 14, 2022. Rocky Linux is a Linux distribution compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux; Rocky Linux 9 is a compatible release with RHEL 9 released in May and will be supported until the end of May 2032. This time we will install Rocky Linux 9.2, released May 16, 2023, which is the same as 9.0 9.1.

ArchLinux ; FTP Server , File Server (SAMBA)

1.FTP Server 1. 1 vsftpd installation # pacman -S vsftpd 1.2 vsftpd configuration ①Editing Configuration Files 2. vsftpd SSL/TLS Configure Vsftpd to use SSL/TLS 2.1 Create self-signed certificates This step is not necessary if you are using a trusted, legitimate certificate such as Let's Encrypt. The information you enter is meaningless and will only be used for encryption.

ArchLinux ; SSH , Firewall (ufw)

1. SSH Service Security Settings Change the configuration file for the SSH service, which is "/etc/ssh/sshd_config". In this case, we will change the default SSH port 22 to 2244. Change /etc/ssh/sshd_config as follows 2. Firewall (ufw) 2.1 Install # pacman -S ufw # systemctl status ufw ○ ufw.service - CLI Netfilter Manager Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/ufw.service; disabled; preset: dis> Active: inactive (dead) You can confirm that the ufw service is stopped by displaying "Active: inactive (dead)"

FreeBSD14 ; Initial setup (Vim , SSH , firewall, NTP server)

1. Vim Install Install Vim, which you are familiar with as an editor, as follows # pkg install -y vim Edit the ".shrc" to make Vim available as the standard editor, and log in again to reflect the change. FreeBSD14 has sh as default shell. You can check the current SHELL with the following command
Slackware 15.0_en

Slackware15.0 : OS image download, boot

About Slackware Slackware is one of the Linux distributions. However, in the early days of Linux, it was one of the two major distributions so commonly used that it was said that Linux was either Slackware or Red Hat Linux. Launched in 1992, Slackware celebrates its 31st anniversary this year. The latest version is 15.0, released on February 4, 2022. Forte ・High stability ・Secure with few bugs and security holes ・It is capable of high operating speeds. Slackware is fast because it installs only the components that users need. ・Highly compliant with standards and suitable for servers ・Slackware is simple to use, and if you can master it, you can create your own environment. ・SlackBuilds, which automates the installation of apps, is available, and the SlackBuilds site has a database of scripts for creating various packages on your own. Furthermore, if you install sbopkg, you can browse the Slackbuilds database with a single command and automatically download, generate, and install packages. ・Slackware allows you to use emacs, vim, and gimp, which are standard Linux applications.
Slackware 15.0_en

Slackware 15.0 ; Disk partitioning

Partitioning First, basic partitioning divides the disk space into two parts: / (root) and a partition for swap. The partition for swap must be prepared. 1.Using gdisk commands When gdisk is invoked, the following is displayed. gdisk always requires a device file name as an argument