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ArchLinux ; Clamav ( Anti-virus software ) , Mail server

1. Install clamav ( anti-virus software ) 1.1 Clam AntiVirus Installation # pacman -S clamav 1.2 Virus definition file update settings # vim /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf Line 76 Insert "#" at the beginning of the line "DatabaseMirror", Add "DatabaseMirror #DatabaseMirror DatabaseMirror 2. Mail Server (Postfix) 2.1 Installing Postfix Install Postfix and build an SMTP server # pacman -S postfix 3. Mail Server(Dovecot) 3.1 Dovecot Installation # pacman -S dovecot 3.2 Edit dovecot.conf file Mail Server : Postfix + Clamav + clamav-milter+SpamAssassin 1. Real-time scanning of email ➁clamav-milter configuration

ArchLinux ; WEB Server(Apache2)

1. Apache2 installation and virtual host configuration 1.1 Apache2 Installation ①Install httpd # pacman -S apache Version Check # httpd -v Server version: Apache/2.4.58 (Unix) Server built: Oct 25 2023 18:28:29 1.2 Apache Configuration ①Edit httpd.conf file 2. Confirmation of CGI Script Usage ①CGI availability check 3. PHP installation and configuration 3.1 PHP8 installation ①Install # pacman -S php php-apache php-fpm ②Version Check

ArchLinux ; FTP Server , File Server (SAMBA)

1.FTP Server 1. 1 vsftpd installation # pacman -S vsftpd 1.2 vsftpd configuration ①Editing Configuration Files 2. vsftpd SSL/TLS Configure Vsftpd to use SSL/TLS 2.1 Create self-signed certificates This step is not necessary if you are using a trusted, legitimate certificate such as Let's Encrypt. The information you enter is meaningless and will only be used for encryption.

ArchLinux ; SSH , Firewall (ufw)

1. SSH Service Security Settings Change the configuration file for the SSH service, which is "/etc/ssh/sshd_config". In this case, we will change the default SSH port 22 to 2244. Change /etc/ssh/sshd_config as follows 2. Firewall (ufw) 2.1 Install # pacman -S ufw # systemctl status ufw ○ ufw.service - CLI Netfilter Manager Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/ufw.service; disabled; preset: dis> Active: inactive (dead) You can confirm that the ufw service is stopped by displaying "Active: inactive (dead)"

ArchLinux ; Initial settings after OS installation

1. User Account Creation Add user (huong) to wheel group and create home directory # useradd -m -G wheel huong User (huong) password setting # passwd huong New password: Retype new password: passwd: password updated successfully Grant sudo privileges to the added huong user 2 . Configuration of the text editor vim Vim was already installed during the Arch Linux installation, so this is just a configuration file. If you are installing vim 3. Network Connections ■ If using systemd-resolved, create /etc/resolv.conf as a link file # ln -sf /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf ■ If systemd-resolved is not used

ArchLinux ; Installation #4 How to install with btrfs file system

For installation with ext4 file system, please refer to the following page 1.Creating partitions 1.1 Confirmation of installation device Check the target device with the lsblk command

ArchLinux ; Installation #3 Initial settings during installation

Initial setup within the installed system To enter the installed system, use the arch-chroot command. arch-chroot is a script for Arch Linux installation that mounts the system so that the specified path is the root "/". However, after this, only commands in the destination ArchLinux can be used. Commands in the installation media cannot be used. For example, to install a package, use pacman instead of pacstrap. Enter the installed system (/mnt becomes /)

ArchLinux ; Installation #2 Disk Partitioning

1. Partitioning the disk on which Arch Linux is installed This time, use gdisk command in UEFI mode and GPT for the partition table. Check current disk information # lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS loop0 7:0 0 693.5M 1 loop /run/archiso/airootfs sda 8:0 0 20G 0 disk sr0 11:0 1 813.3M 0 rom /run/archiso/bootmnt In the above case, a 20 GB virtual HDD was created on VmwareWorkstion, so the SIZE of the sda is set to 20 GB. The sda in the NAME line is the name of the device that represents the entire disk and will be partitioned to this sda. This time, create an EFI partition and a partition for Arch Linux, but not a swap partition. In the past, a partition was created for swap and allocated as swap, but now a "swap file" can be used without a swap partition. A "swap file" is a method of creating a single file of any size for swap and using that area as swap, which can be created, deleted, and resized.

ArchLinux ;  Installation #1 Image Download and Preparation

Arch Linux Arch Linux is a Linux distribution. Unlike other distributions, which often perform graphical installation, Arch Linux uses a CUI command line screen to perform the installation process. However, since there is no need to install unnecessary packages, you can create your own environment that is highly flexible, lightweight, and compact. Arch Linux does not have the "version" concept of other distributions. The installation ISO contains only the commands used during the installation process, and the ISO file is updated monthly to ensure that it is always up-to-date. Forte ・Arch Linux does not have the "version" concept that other distributions have ・The installation ISO image contains only the commands used during the installation process, and the ISO file is updated monthly. ・Ability to work with the latest kernel and commands for installation ・Arch Linux allows you to select and install only what you use, so no extra packages are installed. ・Packages are always updated to be nearly up-to-date, so you can use the latest Linux kernel, the latest versions of software, and so on. ・Arch Linux's proprietary package manager, pacman (CUI), takes significantly longer to install packages than other distributions.

ArchLinux ; Web server SSL ( Let's Encrypt )

1.Obtain SSL Certificate ( Let's Encrypt ) Install the latest open ssl # pacman -S openssl 1.1 advance preparation 1.Package management system Snappy installation

ArchLinux ; MariaDB , WprdPress

1. MariaDB 1.1 MariaDB Installation ①Install # pacman -S mariadb ➁Configure MariaDB # mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql 1.2 phpMyAdmin Installation Installed phpMyAdmin and configured it to operate MariaDB via web browser ①Install 2. Wordpress Install 2.1 Required library installation # pacman -S php-gd 2.2 Edit php.ini