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Check the hard disk usage.

Check the hard disk usage.

To check the Linux hard disk information, use the "df command".
The df command is used to set the hard disk's
Used space
Free space
Percentage of usage
The df command displays the following information

In Linux, hard disks are treated as special files called device files.
IDE drives have the names /dev/hda (primary star hard disk), /dev/hdb (primary slave hard disk), etc. on Linux systems.
The results of the df command will also show the names of these files, so you can distinguish between them and check their usage even if you are using multiple hard disks.

Example of a device file

device file Description.
/dev/hda  HDD connected to the primary master
/dev/hdb  HDD connected to the primary slave
/dev/hdc  HDD connected to a secondary master
/dev/hdd  HDD connected to the secondary slave
/dev/sda  HDD connected to the first SCSI/SATA/USB
/dev/sdb  HDD connected to the second SCSI/SATA/USB
/dev/sdc  HDD connected to the third SCSI/SATA/USB
/dev/sdd  HDD connected to the fourth SCSI/SATA/USB
/dev/sr0  1st CD/DVD drive
/dev/st0  1st tape driveブ

●Check the hard disk usage.

[root@Lion ~]# df
file system             1K-block         Use          Use Possible   Use % Mount position
/dev/mapper/centos_Lion-root  52403200   17551216    34851984   34%          /
devtmpfs                                  3904396                 0      3904396     0%         /dev
tmpfs                                       3918112                  0     3918112     0%         /dev/shm
tmpfs                                       3918112         385728     3532384    10%         /run
tmpfs                                       3918112                  0     3918112      0%         /sys/fs/cgroup
[root@Lion ~]# df -h   ←If the option "h" is specified, it will be displayed in MB or GB
file system                                       syze      use   remaining   use%    Mount position
/dev/mapper/centos_Lion-root           50G      17G      34G      34%       /
devtmpfs                                          3.8G         0      3.8G       0%      /dev
tmpfs                                               3.8G         0      3.8G        0%     /dev/shm
tmpfs                                               3.8G    377M     3.4G      10%     /run
tmpfs                                               3.8G          0     3.8G        0%     /sys/fs/cgroup

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