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Ubuntu 18.04 Building a server

Ubuntu 18.04 Building a server

Ubuntu Server 18.04 ; Obtaining and Installing an Image

Download the installation image The installation media for Ubuntu Server can be downloaded from the official website on the Internet.You will need to create an installation CD/DVD from the downloaded iso file. The download location for the iso file is Ubuntu official download site Install Change the BIOS so that the PC can boot from the installation disk created above, and then boot the PC.
Ubuntu 18.04 Building a server

Ubuntu Server 18.04 ; Installing MySQL

Installing MySQL 1.Install the necessary packages. # apt update # apt install mysql-server 2.Configure security settings for MySQL server. There is a tool called mysql_secure_installtion that can be used to configure security-related settings for the MySQL server. When you run it, it will ask you a series of questions to help you configure some security settings.
Ubuntu 18.04 Building a server

Ubuntu Server 18.04 ; SSL/TLS applied to web , mail , FTP server

1. Apache2 : SSL/TLS Configuration Describes how to apply an SSL certificate obtained with Let's Encrypt to apache. Domain name : 1.1 Configuration of Apache2 ①Editing the Apache2 configuration file Rename and copy the default conf file (e.g. "")
Ubuntu 18.04 Building a server

Ubuntu Server 18.04 ; Mail Server Install

1.Postfix : Installation / Configuration Postfix is a software developed as an MTA (Mail Transport Agent) to replace Sendmail, and is a mail server with features such as high compatibility with Sendmail, security, easy maintenance, and speed. Also, since Postfix only functions as an SMTP server for sending mails, you will need to install a POP server for receiving mails separately as described later.
Ubuntu 18.04 Building a server

Ubuntu Server 18.04 ; Web server and antivirus installed.

1. WEB server installation 1. 1 Apache2 installation ① Install # apt -y install apache2 ② Edit configuration file # vi /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/security.conf # Line 25: Change ServerTokens  Prod
Ubuntu 18.04 Building a server

Ubuntu Server 18.04 ; FTP Serve , NTP Server

1.Install the FTP server vsftpd ① Install # apt install vsftpd ② Allow PORT21 to be used by FTP in UFW(firewall) # ufw allow ftp # ufw reload ③ Edit the configuration file (vsftpd.conf)
Ubuntu 18.04 Building a server

Ubuntu Server 18.04 Initial Setup

1. Set the root password and use the SU command $  passwd root password for ← Current user's password Enter new UNIX password: ← Enter the root password to be set. Retype new UNIX password: ← Re-enter the same password passwd: password updated successfully
Ubuntu 18.04 Building a server

Ubuntu Server 18.04 ; Obtain an SSL certificate (Let's Encrypt).

Obtaining a certificate with Let's Encrypt ①Enable mod_ssl # a2enmod ssl ②Install Git. # apt-get install -y git ③Install the certificate acquisition tool # cd /usr/local/ # git clone