Click here for "Safe Air Conditioner Repair and Proper Freon Recovery".(Japanese Version)

Debian12 ; System Backup and Restore

1. System Backup

1.1 Backup under /var/www/html

① Create script under /opt/script script contents
10-day data storage

➁Grant execute permissions to scripts

➂Create a directory to store backup files

④Add settings to cron for periodic backups

1.2 MariaDB database backup

①Create script under /opt/script script contents
Data storage for 10 days

➁Grant execute permissions to scripts

➂Create a directory to store backup files

④Add settings to cron for periodic backups

2. System Restore

2.1 Restore backup files under HTML

① Store HTML backup files used for backup in the "/ (root)" directory
Select the backup file with the latest timestamp (e.g. www_back_20230621.tar.gz)

2.2 Restore MariaDB database

①Save DB backup file to any directory and extract data

②Restore MariaDB

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