
Fedora35 : Initialization

1. SELinux Disable

First, disable selinux. selinux is a feature that improves auditing and security in Linux, but when enabled, it can limit the behavior of services and the configuration considerably.
Therefore, it is basically invalidated in many cases.
You can disable it by doing the following

Confirmation after change

2. System modernization & Services suspended due to security measures

2.1 System modernization

2.2 Services suspended due to security measures

3.Network Settings

3.1 Set host name
Set the host name if it was not set during OS installation.
To set to "Lepard"

Re-login after the change and the changed hostname will be reflected in the prompt

3.2 Change network settings to a static IP address
(Replace the network interface name [ens160] with the name of your environment because it varies depending on your environment.)

Network device confirmation

Change the IP address of network interface [ens160] to ""

Confirmation of settings

3.3 Disable IPv6 if not needed

4.Install NTP server and set up time synchronization service

4.1 Chrony Install

 4.2 Change the configuration file as follows

4.3 Restart chrony and enable chrony after restart

4.4 NTP service permission required if Firewalld is enabled
Note that NTP uses [123/UDP].
Firewalld is explained in detail in the next section, so here we will just release the NTP port with the following command.

4.5 Check chronyd status (behavior).

If it is marked with *, it has been synchronized. (It takes about 10 minutes to synchronize after startup.)

5.Set server time zone

Set time zone to Japan (Tokyo)

Setup Confirmation
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