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OpenSUSE15.3 ; Tripwire Chkrootkit Logwatch DiCE

1. Tripwire InstallTripwire is a host-based intrusion detection system (IDS) that monitors files and directories and notifies the user of any changes.1.1 Installation and configuration① Download and install2. Chkrootkit Install①Download and install chkrootkit3. Logwatch Install① Install# zypper -n install logwatch② Edit the configuration file4. DiCE  InstallEvery time the global IP is changed, which happens when the Internet is disconnected or the router is disconnected and rebooted, the dynamic DNS must be accessed to notify the change in global IP.DiCE does that work for you automatically.

MiracleLinux8.4 ; SNORT ,Tripwire , Checkrootkit

Install  SNORT1.Preliminary preparations①Add the CodeReady R...

MiracleLinux8.4 ; Initial Setup

1. Disable SELinuxselinux is a feature that improves auditing and security in Linux, but when it is enabled, it can be quite restrictive in how services work and what settings are available.Therefore, in many cases, it is basically invalidated.  If you build a server while looking at a website and it doesn't work as expected, it may be because this selinux is enabled.Therefore, remember to disable it after installation.3. Adding Repositories3.1 PowerTools / HighAvailabilityThis is a repository that has been newly provided with MIRACLE LINUX 8.4.Utilization MethodPowerTools and HighAvailability can be used by updating miraclelinux-repos and enabling the repositories.Update miraclelinux-repos to 8.4-3.el8 or later.After the update, the following repository files will be added to /etc/yum.repos.d.miraclelinux-powertools.repomiraclelinux-highavailability.repo

MiracleLinux8.4 ; Install

What is MiracleLinux?MIRACLE LINUX is a Japanese Linux distribution provided by Cybertrust Corporation.Miracle Linux (now Cybertrust), established by Oracle Japan and NEC in June 2000, began development of Oracle Database for business and enterprise use with the aim of ensuring stable operation.It has been based on RHEL since Version 2.0 released in May 2001, and has been a full RHEL clone since Version 6.0 released in January 2012, with the latest version being 8.4 as of December 2021.MIRACLE LINUX, the famous domestic RHEL clone, was initially a commercial OS with a paid license, but following the termination of CnetOS8, it was announced that it would be offered free of charge starting with the latest 8.4.For this reason, it is currently in the limelight as a candidate for migration from CentOS8.

MiracleLinux8.4 ; Vsftpd (FTP server installation)

FTP Server Installation1. Install vsftpdDownload vsftpd-3.0.3-33.el8.x86_64.rpm from the download site to /usr/local/src/.# cd /usr/local/src/# wget rpm -ivh vsftpd-3.0.3-33.el8.x86_64.rpm2.Configuring vsftpd

MiracleLinux8.4 ; Firewall , SSH , NTP server

1.Setting up SSH remote connectionSSH is a service to connect to a server remotely, and is basically running right after the OS installation, but the default settings are somewhat insecure.In this section, we will configure the settings to change the default settings and increase the security of the ssh connection.1.1 Change the configuration file of SSH service.2.How to set up a firewall (firewalld)In MiracleLinux, the firewall is set to firewalld by default, which is enabled when the OS is installed.To briefly explain firewalld, when setting up a communication control policy, communication permission/blocking rules are applied to predefined zones, and the zones are assigned to each NIC (network adapter).3.Synchronize the server time with Japan Standard Time.① Change the configuration file as follows

MiracleLinux8.4 ; Mysql , WordPress

Install  Mysql8# dnf module -y install mysql:8.0# vi /etc/my.cnf.d/charset.cnfCreate a new "charset.cnf" with the following contents[mysqld]character-set-server = utf8mb4[client]default-character-set = utf8mb4

MiracleLinux8.4 ; SSH public key cryptography setting

Public key1.Create a key pair with RSABecome an ordinary user and create a key pair with RSA2.Private Key Login Settings3.Change to login only with private key# vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config●Per line 694.Creating a private key using PuTTYgenLaunch Winscp and start puttygen.exe from Tools

MiracleLinux8.4; Web Server Installation, Virtual Host

Installa apache2 and virtual host configuration1.Install apa...

MiracleLinux8.4 ; Anti-virus, mail server

Install clamav (anti-virus software)1.Install Clam AntiVirus...

MiracleLinux8.4 ; Let’s Encrypt , Apache Mail SSL

1.Obtain SSL Certificate ( Let's Encrypt )Install the latest open ssl# dnf install openssl-devel

MiracleLinux8.4 ; System Backup & Restore

Web configuration file (under html) backup①Create a backup script file under html# cd /var/www/system/# vi html_backup.shContents of!/bin/bash#Date processing (save 10 days)TODAY=`/bin/date +%Y%m%d`DAY_AGO=`/bin/date --date '10day ago' +%Y%m%d`

OpenSUSE15.3 ; OS download and installation

What is openSUSE?OpenSUSE is a community-based, free to the public, Linux distribution that is actively adopting the latest technologies. It is sponsored by Novell and developed by the community. Originally SUSE Linux was developed by SUSE, but after the acquisition of SUSE by Novell in 2003, Novell moved to a 100% open source distribution with a community-based development structure through the OpenSUSE project and changed the name from SUSE Linux to After the acquisition of SUSE by Novell in 2003, Novell moved to a community-based development structure with the OpenSUSE project as a 100% open source distribution and changed the name from SUSE Linux to the current name.openSUSE is available in two versions: Leap, the stable version, and Tumbleweed, which uses a rolling release model and is also the basis for the paid version of SUSE Linux Enterprise.

OpenSUSE15.3 ; Install Mysql & WordPress

1. Install Mysql8First, make sure the server is up to date.Update the server package# zypper ref# zypper up -y 1.2 Example of creating  Mysql8 database and userTry to create a user, password, and database for wordpress to install in the followingdatabase :  wp_dbuser : wp_userpassword : ?WHxx333Yo2. Install Wordpress2.1 Install required libraries# zypper install php-gd php-pdo php-mysql php-mbstr

OpenSUSE15.3 ; Server Backup and Restore

1. Server Backup1.1 Backup under /srv/www/①Create a backup script file# cd /srv/www/system/# vi backup_all.sh1.2. MySQL database backup①Create a backup script file# cd /srv/www/system# vi db_my_backup.shContents of db_my_backup.sh2.Restoring Data2.1 Restore the backup files under /srv/www/① Save the backup file used for the restore to the server's "/ (root)" directory.2.2 Restore MySQL data① Save the database backup file to a directory of your choice.、(In the example, the directory is "/srv/www/backup/db_bak".)Unzip the data