


OracleLinux9.1 : Initial settings after OS installation

1.Install bash completion extension package# dnf -y install bash-completion# reboot2.Disabling SELinuxFirst, disable selinux. selinux is a feature that improves auditing and security in Linux, but when enabled, it can limit the behavior of services and the contents of the configuration considerably.Therefore, it is basically a case of invalidation in many cases.SELinux operating modesEnforcing : SELinux functionality is enabled and access control is enabledPermissive : SElinux will warn, but no access restrictions will be placeddisabled : Both SElinux function and access control are disabled

OracleLinux9.1 : WEB Server (Apache)

1.Apache2 installation and virtual host configuration1.1 Apache2①httpd install# dnf -y install httpd1.3 Virtual Host SettingsAssign and configure the domain name [oracle.korodes.com] to the document root [/var/www/html/oracle.korodes.com] directory for virtual host operation# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/vhost.conf2. Confirmation of CGI Script Usage①Confirmation of CGI availability3. PHP installation and configuration1.PHP install①Install

OracleLinux9.1 : MySQL8 , WordPress Install

Mysql8 Install# dnf -y install mysql-serverCreate a new charset.cnf with the following contentsWordPress Install1. Create database for Word PressAs an example, assume database [wp_db] database user [wp_user] password [?W123456]

OracleLinux9.1 : SSL Certificate Acquisition( Let's Encrypt ) , WEB/Mail server SSL

1.SSL Certificate Acquisition ( Let's Encrypt )Install the latest open ssl# dnf install openssl-devel1.1 advance preparation1.Package management system Snappy installationSince the SSL certificate issuing tool "certbot" of Let's Encrypt is recommended to be installed using "snap" after 2021, install Snapd first.(Can also be installed the traditional way with dnf or yum)2. Converting Apache to httpsInstall the following# dnf -y install mod_ssl3. SSL/TLS (Let's Encrypt) settings on the mail server3.1 Obtaining a certificate for the mail serverObtain a certificate for the mail server, but it cannot be obtained in the same way as above, so the following with the "--standalone" option fails.

OracleLinux9.1 : Clamav(anti-virus) , Mail Server

Clamav(anti-virus)1.Clam AntiVirus install# dnf -y install clamav clamd clamav-updateMail Server Installation1. Postfix1.1 InstallInstall Postfix and build an SMTP serverMail server : Postfix + Clamav + Amavisd+SpamAssassin1.Real-time scanning of e-mails①Install Amavisd and Clamav Server

OracleLinux9.1 : FTP Server , Samba FileServer Install

1.FTP Server1.1vsftpd Install# dnf -y install vsftpd1.2vsftpd configurationSave the unedited vsftpd.conf with .bak# cp /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf /home/huong/vsftpd.conf.bak2. vsftpd SSL/TLSConfigure Vsftpd to use SSL/TLS2.1 Create self-signed certificatesThis work is not required if you are using a trusted, legitimate certificate such as Let's Encryp3. File server installation with SambaBuild a file server with access rights that requires user authentication with Samba.Installation Procedure①Create shared folders with access rights that require user authentication②Accessible group creation③Creation of users belonging to accessible groups④Configuration File Edit

OracleLinux9.1 : SSH , Firewalld , NTP Server

1.Setting up a remote connection via SSHSSH is a service for connecting remotely to a server and is basically running immediately after the OS is installed, but the default settings are somewhat insecure.Here we will configure the default settings to increase the security of SSH connections.

Fedora37 ; System Backup and Restore

1.Website data backupBackup under /var/www/html①Create backu...

Fedora37 ; Clamav , Mail Server

Clamav1.Clam AntiVirus Install2.Edit Clam AntiVirus configur...

Fedora37 ; SSL Certificate Acquisition( Let's Encrypt ) , Apache / Mail SSL/TLS

1.Obtain an SSL certificate ( Let's Encrypt )Install the lat...

Fedora37 ; Mysql8 , WordPress Install

Mysql8 Install①Install➁MySQL Server start➂Check mysql versio...

Fedora37 ; SNORT2 , Suricata , Tripwire

SNORTSnort is an open source network intrusion detection sys...

Fedora37 ; Chkrootkit , Logwatch , Disk Usage Check Script

Chkrootkit①Download , Install➁Create /root/bin directory and...

OracleLinux9.1 : OS Install

OracleLinux9.1Oracle Linux provides a 100% application binary compatible alternative to Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS Linux for both hybrid and multi-cloud environments.Since 2006, Oracle Linux has been completely free to download and use. Source code, binaries and updates are provided free of charge. It is freely redistributable. Free for use in production environments.This time, we will proceed with the latest Oracle Linux 9.1.

OracleLinux9.1 : SSH connection with SSH key pair

SSH connection with authentication using public key Creation of public and private key pairsCreate a public/private key pair for a user connecting to the Linux server using OpenSSH.Use ssh-keygen to create key pairs.Creation of public/private key pairs is performed with remote login user privileges.If you do not specify the destination and file name, id_ed25519 and id_ed25519.pub will be created in /home/(user name)/.ssh/. On the way, enter the password for the key.