Debian10.13_en Debian10.13 : SNORT2 , Tripwire 1.SNORT2 InstallSnort is an open source network intrusion de... 2023.02.11 Debian10.13_en
Debian10.13_en Debian10.13 : MySQL8 , WordPress 1. MySQL 8 Install1. 1 Update package indexInstall necessary... 2023.02.11 Debian10.13_en
Debian10.13_en Debian10.13 : Let's Encrypt WEB , Mail SSL 1. Obtaining a Certificate(Let's Encrypt)1.1 advance prepara... 2023.02.11 Debian10.13_en
Debian10.13_en Debian10.13 : Antivirus , Mail Server 1.Anti-virus Clamav installed1.1 InstallThe clamav-related c... 2023.02.10 Debian10.13_en
Debian10.13_en Debian10.13 : WEB Server Apache2 WEB Server Apache2Allow http:80 and https:443 ports in UFW b... 2023.02.10 Debian10.13_en
Debian10.13_en Debian10.13 : NTP ,FTP Server 1. Install an NTP server that provides time synchronization ... 2023.02.10 Debian10.13_en
Debian10.13_en Debian10.13 : SSH with public key SSH connection with authentication using RSA public key cryp... 2023.02.10 Debian10.13_en
Debian10.13_en Debian10.13 : SSH , Firewall 1. SSH Service Security SettingsThe SSH service allows the r... 2023.02.10 Debian10.13_en
Debian10.13_en Debian10.13 : Initialization 1. Install and configure vim editorDebian has "nano" as the ... 2023.02.10 Debian10.13_en
Debian10.13_en Debian10.13 ; OS Install 1.Download the .Debian10.13 installation imageDownload site ... 2023.02.10 Debian10.13_en
Debian10.13_en Debian10.13 : System Backup and Restore 1. System Backup1.1 Backup under /var/www/html① Create backu... 2023.02.11 Debian10.13_en
Debian10.13_en Debian10.13 : logwatch ,Disk Usage Check Script 1. Disk Usage Check Script1.1 Script CreationContents of dis... 2023.02.11 Debian10.13_en