Click here for "Safe Air Conditioner Repair and Proper Freon Recovery".(Japanese Version)



Configuring the default gateway (router)

●Confirmation of the current default gatewayExecute the "route -n" command. "-n" is an option to display the hostname as IP.●Remove the default gatewaySet "del" as the argument of the route command, and set the IP address of the default gateway device ( that you want to delete after "default gw".●Setting up a new default gatewaySet "add" as the argument of the route command, and set the IP address ( of the default gateway device you want to set after "default gw".
Rocky Linux 8.4 Building a server

Rocky Linux 8.4 ; antivirus, etc.

1.Synchronize the server time with Japan Standard Time.Edit chrony.conf# vi /etc/chrony.confPer line 3.pool iburst↓server ntp.nict.jpserver chrony2.virus protection2.1 Clam AntiVirus installation and definition/configuration file settings①Installing Clam AntiVirus# dnf --enablerepo=epel -y install clamav clamav-update clamav-scanner-systemd
Ubuntu 18.04 Building a server

Ubuntu Server 18.04 ; Obtain an SSL certificate (Let's Encrypt).

Obtaining a certificate with Let's Encrypt①Enable mod_ssl# a2enmod ssl②Install Git.# apt-get install -y git③Install the certificate acquisition tool# cd /usr/local/# git clone