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Include daemon processes in the display

In the case of Linux, there are processes that run specifically for system maintenance without the need to give any instructions.These processes are called daemons, and they wait until there is a request from the user, and when there is a request, they create a new process and execute the process.The process created here is called a child process, and if it is set to run at a certain date and time in advance, it will execute the reserved process at the reserved date and time.Basically, these daemons are executed according to the user's settings, but some of them are default (standard) settings. Since these daemons are not operated by the user in a control terminal such as a console or terminal emulator, they will not be displayed in the control terminal when the ps command is executed, but you can display these processes by adding the option "-x".

Terminate the process

To terminate a running process, use the kill command.You nee...
Rocky Linux 8.4 Building a server

Rocky Linux8.4 : FTP Server

FTP Server Inatall1. vsftpd Install# dnf -y install vsftpd2. vsftpd configurationSave the unedited vsftpd.conf with .bak
Rocky Linux 8.4 Building a server

Rocky Linux 8.4 ; Data Backup and Restore

1.Web site data backup1-1.Backup under /var/www/html①Create a backup script file[root@Lepard ~]# cd /optopt]# vi!/bin/bashTODAY=`/bin/date +%Y%m%d`
Ubuntu 18.04 Building a server

Ubuntu Server 18.04 ; Obtaining and Installing an Image

Download the installation imageThe installation media for Ubuntu Server can be downloaded from the official website on the Internet.You will need to create an installation CD/DVD from the downloaded iso file.The download location for the iso file isUbuntu official download siteInstallChange the BIOS so that the PC can boot from the installation disk created above, and then boot the PC.
Ubuntu 18.04 Building a server

Ubuntu Server 18.04 ; Installing MySQL

Installing MySQL1.Install the necessary packages.# apt update# apt install mysql-server2.Configure security settings for MySQL server.There is a tool called mysql_secure_installtion that can be used to configure security-related settings for the MySQL server.When you run it, it will ask you a series of questions to help you configure some security settings.
Rocky Linux 8.4 Building a server

Rocky Linux8.4 ; Database installation

1.Mysql8 Installation1-1.Install[root@Lepard ~]# dnf module -y install mysql:8.0[root@Lepard ~]# vi /etc/my.cnf.d/charset.cnf (Create New)# Set the default character encoding# To handle 4-byte characters such as pictograms, use [utf8mb4][mysqld]character-set-server = utf8mb4[client]default-character-set = utf8mb4[root@Lepard ~]# systemctl enable --now mysql1-2.Security measures
Rocky Linux 8.4 Building a server

Rocky Linux8.4 ; Tripwire, Chkrootkit and Snort installed

1.Tripwire Installation1.1 Download and install[root@Lepard ~]# cd /usr/local/srcsrc]# wget]# rpm -Uvh tripwire- you get a dependency error, enter the following
Rocky Linux 8.4 Building a server

Rocky Linux8.4 ; OS Installation

Rocky LinuxCentOS, which was positioned as a downstream of RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), will no longer be supported for CentOS 8 on December 31, 2021.There are three distributions (AlmaLinux, RockyLinux, and CentOS Stream 8) that are attracting attention as a destination for migrating from CentOS, but this time we will build a server using the latest version of RockyLinux 8.4 for the following reasons.CentOS Stream 8Stability concerns with RHEL upstreamSupport period until May 31, 2024AlmaLinuxAlmaLinux is a free RHEL clone that is being developed by CloudLinux, the developer of CloudLinux OS, a commercial Linux distribution, with the goal of binary compatibility with the current version of RHEL.Support period until 2029Rocky LinuxIt is a free RHEL clone by the project started by Gregory Kurtzer, the founder of CentOS, and is being developed by the community as a "production downstream version of RHEL".The company is also eager to acquire sponsors, including Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud.Support period until 2029
Ubuntu 18.04 Building a server

Ubuntu Server 18.04 ; SSL/TLS applied to web , mail , FTP server

1. Apache2 : SSL/TLS ConfigurationDescribes how to apply an SSL certificate obtained with Let's Encrypt to apache.Domain name : hoge.com1.1 Configuration of Apache2①Editing the Apache2 configuration fileRename and copy the default conf file (e.g. "")
Ubuntu 18.04 Building a server

Ubuntu Server 18.04 ; Mail Server Install

1.Postfix : Installation / ConfigurationPostfix is a software developed as an MTA (Mail Transport Agent) to replace Sendmail, and is a mail server with features such as high compatibility with Sendmail, security, easy maintenance, and speed.Also, since Postfix only functions as an SMTP server for sending mails, you will need to install a POP server for receiving mails separately as described later.
Ubuntu 18.04 Building a server

Ubuntu Server 18.04 ; Web server and antivirus installed.

1. WEB server installation1. 1 Apache2 installation① Install# apt -y install apache2② Edit configuration file# vi /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/security.conf# Line 25: ChangeServerTokens  Prod
Ubuntu 18.04 Building a server

Ubuntu Server 18.04 ; FTP Serve , NTP Server

1.Install the FTP server vsftpd① Install# apt install vsftpd② Allow PORT21 to be used by FTP in UFW(firewall)# ufw allow ftp# ufw reload③ Edit the configuration file (vsftpd.conf)
Ubuntu 18.04 Building a server

Ubuntu Server 18.04 Initial Setup

1. Set the root password and use the SU command$  passwd rootpassword for ← Current user's passwordEnter new UNIX password: ← Enter the root password to be set.Retype new UNIX password: ← Re-enter the same passwordpasswd: password updated successfully

Display various information about the CPU

●Display the CPU information installed on the PC.To display the CPU information installed in the PC, refer to the "/proc/cpuinfo" file.This information is used to know the CPU load for top command, etc.