


Debian12 ; OS Install

1.Debian12 OverviewIn this article, we will explain how to build a server with Debian, the basis of the user-friendly Linux distribution UBUNTU.The latest is Debian 12.0 (codenamed "bookworm"), released on June 10, 20232.Download Debian installation imageDebian12 download site  https://www.debian.org/Access the above official website and download "debian-12.0.0-amd64-netinst.iso." which is convenient for setup in an environment connected to the Internet.(Fits on a single CD)NETINST allows you to download and install the necessary packages from the Internet, so you can use a smaller installer than a full installer.Click through the following screens in order.

OpenSUSE15.5 ; Server backup and restore

1. Server Backup1.1 Backup under /srv/www/①Create backup script file1.2. MariaDB Database Backup①Create backup script file2.Data Restore2.1 Restore backup files under www① Save backup files used for restore to the "/ (root)" directory of the server2.2 Restore MariaDB data① Save the database backup file to any directoryExtract data

OpenSUSE15.5 ; Tripwire, Logwatch Install

1. TripwireTripwire is a host-based intrusion detection system (IDS) that monitors files and directories and notifies you when changes are made.1.1 Install and configuration①Install2. Logwatch①Logwatch install

OpenSUSE15.5 ; Obtain SSL Certificate (Let's Encrypt) 、Web Server SSL

1.Obtain an SSL Certificate (Let's Encrypt)PreparationEnable mod_ssl1.1Certificate Installation2. Web server SSL conversion2.1 SSL Configuration

OpenSUSE15.5 ; Clamav , Mail Server Install

1. Clamav ( anti-virus software )1.1 Clamav Install2.  Mail server Install2.1 Postfix Install①Install Postfix and build an SMTP server3. Mail Server: Postfix + Clamav + AmavisdSet up Postfix and Clamav to work together to scan incoming and outgoing mail in real time.

OpenSUSE15.5 ; WEB Server (Apache) Install

1. Web Server (Apache)1.1 apache2 Install2. Apache2 : Using Perl Scripts Configure Perl scripts to be used as CGI3. Apache2 : Virtual Host SettingsConfigure both domains sample1.korodes.com sample2.korodes.com to be displayed on one server4. Apache2 : Using PHP ScriptsInstall and configure PHP so that PHP scripts are available

OpenSUSE15.5 ; FTP Server

1. Vsftpd1.1vsftpd InstallIt is already installed at the time of openSUSE installation.If not, you can install it with the following command

OpenSUSE15.5 ; Various settings after OS installation

1.Using su commandNot required if root password is set at the time of installationIf you set a root password, set it as followsLog in as a general user2. Modernize the systemTo modernize the system, enter the following command3.locate InstallThe find command is used to search for a specific file on the entire Linux system, but find's options are somewhat confusing.In such cases, it is useful to have the locate command available, which can extract all files with a given filename

OpenSUSE15.5 ; OS Install

OpenSUSEとはOpenSUSE is a Linux distribution that is community-based, free to the public, and active in adopting the latest technologies. It is sponsored by Novell and developed by the community. Originally, SUSE Linux was developed by SUSE, but after the acquisition of SUSE by Novell in 2003, Novell shifted the development structure to community-based by the OpenSUSE project as a distribution aiming for 100% open source, and changed the name from SUSE Linux to OpenSUSE Linux The name was changed to the current name.openSUSE is available as Leap, the stable version, and Tumbleweed, which uses a rolling-release model and is also the basis for the paid-for version of SUSE Linux Enterprise.

Debian12 ; System Backup and Restore

1. System Backup1.1 Backup under /var/www/html① Create backup_all.sh script under /opt/script1.2 MariaDB database backup①Create db_backup.sh script under /opt/script# vi /opt/script/db_backup.shdb_backup.sh script contents2. System Restore2.1 Restore backup files under HTML① Store HTML backup files used for backup in the "/ (root)" directorySelect the backup file with the latest timestamp (e.g. www_back_20220501.tar.gz)2.2 Restore MariaDB database①Save DB backup file to any directory and extract data# cd /var/www/backup/db_bak

Debian12 ;  Suricata , Logwatch , Chkrootkit , Disk Usage Check Script

SuricataSURICATA IDS/IPS is an open source IDS that monitors communications on the network and detects suspicious traffic.The basic mechanism is signature-based, so it can detect predefined unauthorized communications. Suricata is also characterized by its ability to provide protection as well as detection. Logwatch,Chkrootkit,Disk Usage Check Script install

Debian12 ; MariaDB , WordPress Install

1. MariaDB1.1 Install1.4. MariaDB Server Security SettingsMariaDB comes with a default security script, mariadb-secure-installation, which can be used to improve the security of your MariaDB installation, includingSet a password for the root account (if necessary).Disable remote root login to the database.Delete anonymous user accounts.Delete the test database to which anonymous users have access by default.2.WordPress2.1 Database CreationCreate a database for Word Press (for example, in this case, the database name is "wp_db", the user name is "wp_user", and the password is "?Y123456y")

Debian12 ; WEB Server(Apache) Install

Web server Apache2 installationAllow http:80 and https:443 ports in UFW before installation3.  Apache2; Using Perl ScriptsEnable CGI to make Perl scripts available①Install Perl4 Apache2 : Using PHP Scripts①Install PHP5. Virtual Host SettingsCopy the default configuration file (file name is arbitrary, in this case vhost-yourdomain.conf as an example) and configure the virtual host6. Digest authentication with Apache2Since Basic Authentication, a well-known authentication authorization method for http, sends authentication information in plain text, there is a risk of ID and password leakage if the packet is intercepted.On the other hand, Digest Authentication encrypts and transmits authentication information, so there is almost no risk of information leakage.

Debian12 ; Let's Encrypt WEB , Mail Server SSL

1. Obtain a certificate (Let's Encrypt)1.1 advance preparation①Enable mod_ssl# a2enmod ssl2. SSL/TLS (Let's Encrypt) configuration for Apache2①Edit Apache2 SSL-related configuration files3. SSL/TLS (Let's Encrypt) settings on the mail server3.1 Obtaining a certificate for the mail serverObtain a certificate for the mail server, but it cannot be obtained in the same way as above, so the following with the "--standalone" option fails.

Debian12 ; Anti-virus(Clamav) 、Mail Server

1.Antivirus software Clamav installedInstall Clam AntiVirus, a free anti-virus software for Linux, as an anti-virus measure.By installing this anti-virus software, you can not only scan the entire server for viruses, but also scan incoming and outgoing mail for viruses if you build and configure a mail server.2. Mail server installationPostfix was developed as a Mail Transport Agent (MTA) to replace sendmail, and is a mail server that is highly compatible with sendmail, secure, easy to maintain, and fast.In addition, since Postfix only functions as an SMTP server for sending mail, the POP server Dovecot for receiving mail will be installed separately in the latter half.3 Applied ClamAV to mail server PostfixSet up Postfix and Clamav to work together to scan incoming and outgoing mail in real time.4 Apply spam checks to the mail server4.1 Spam checking using spamassassin and procmail①spamassassin and procmail installation