


AlmaLinux9.2 ; SSH、Firewalld、NTP Server

1.SSH remote connectionSSH is a service for connecting remotely to a server and is basically running immediately after the OS is installed, but the default settings are somewhat insecure.Here we will configure the default settings to increase the security of ssh connections.1.1 SSH service configuration file changes

AlmaLinux9.2 ; Logwatch , DiCe , Disk Usage Check Script

Logwatch , DiCe , Disk Usage Check Script
Rocky Linux9.2_en

Rocky Linux9.2 ; Logwatch , DiCE , Disk Usage Check Script

1. Logwatch①Install# dnf install logwatch②Edit configuration file2. DiCEWhenever the global IP changes, which happens when the network is disconnected or the router is disconnected and rebooted, the dynamic DNS must be accessed to inform the user that the global IP has changed. DiCE does this automatically!3.Introduce disk usage check script3.1 Script Creation# cd /var/www/system# vi disk_capacity_check.sh
Rocky Linux9.2_en

Rocky Linux9.2 ; FTP Server , Samba File Server

1.FTP Server1. 1 Vsftpd Install# dnf -y install vsftpd1.2 Configure VsftpdSave the unedited vsftpd.conf with .bak3. File server installation with SambaBuild a file server with access rights that requires user authentication with Samba.Installation Procedure①Create shared folders with access rights that require user authentication②Accessible group creation③Creation of users belonging to accessible groups④Configuration File Editing
Rocky Linux9.2_en

Rocky Linux9.2 ; Suricata , Tripwire , Chkrootkit

SuricataSURICATA IDS/IPS is an open source IDS that monitors communications on the network and detects suspicious traffic.The basic mechanism is signature-based, so it can detect predefined unauthorized communications. Suricata is also characterized by its ability to provide protection as well as detection.1.advance preparation①Activate the EPEL RepositoryTripwire1.Installation# dnf install -y tripwireChkrootkit①Download and install chkrootkit
Rocky Linux9.2_en

Rocky Linux9.2 ; System Backup and Restore

1.Website data backup1-1.Backup under /var/www/html①Create backup script file# cd /var/www/system# vi backup_html.sh2.MySQL database backup①Create backup script file# cd /var/www/system# vi db_my_backup.sh3.Restore backup files under html①Store HTML backup files in "/ (root)" directory4.Restore Mysql backup file①Save the database backup file to any directory and(In the example, the directory is "/var/www/backup/db_bak".)Extracting data

AlmaLinux9.2 ; MySQL8 , WordPress Install

Mysql8 , WordPress InstallWordPress Install1. Create database for Word PressAs an example, assume database [wp_db] database user [wp_user] password [?Ww123456]

AlmaLinux9.2 ; Suricata , Tripwire , Chkrootkit

SuricataSURICATA IDS/IPS is an open source IDS that monitors communications on the network and detects suspicious traffic.The basic mechanism is signature-based, so it can detect predefined unauthorized communications. Suricata is also characterized by its ability to provide protection as well as detection.Tripwire1.Download and installationChkrootkit①Download and install chkrootkit

AlmaLinux9.2 ; Authenticated SSH connection with key pair

SSH connection with authentication using public key cryptography Create public and private key pairsCreate a public/private key pair for a user connecting to a Linux server using OpenSSH.Use ssh-keygen to create the key pair.The creation of a public/private key pair must be done as a user with remote login privileges.If you do not specify the destination and file name, id_ed25519 and id_ed25519.pub will be created in /home/(user name)/.ssh/. On the way, enter the password for the key.