OracleLinux 8.x : Icinga2 Monitoring Application Installation
What is Icinga2?It is an open source software for system monitoring, derived and developed from a monitoring software called Nagios.In this article, we will install the Icinga2 monitoring application on OracleLinux8.x with RHEL8.The same can be done on Rocky Linux8.x and AlmaLinux8.x.However, please note that some information related to PowerTools is different from the information on this page.1.Prerequisite.The requirement for installing Icinga2 is that you must have LAMP installed. PHP 7.3 or later version is also required.In this case, it is assumed that the following have been builtMySQL Ver 8.0.32PHP 7.4.33Httpd Apache/2.4.37 SELINUX permissive