CentOS7.9_en CentOS7.9 : SNORT2 , Tripwire , Chkrootkit SNORT2 Install1. Advance preparation①Install necessary softw... 2022.02.21 CentOS7.9_en
CentOS7.9_en CentOS7.9 : Let's Encrypt , WEB・Mail SSL 1.Obtain SSL Certificate( Let's Encrypt )Install the latest ... 2022.02.20 CentOS7.9_en
CentOS7.9_en CentOS7.9 : Mail Server, Clamav, SpamAssassin Clamav ( anti-virus software ) 1.Clam AntiVirus Install2.Edi... 2022.02.20 CentOS7.9_en
CentOS7.9_en CentOS7.9 : WEB Server Apache 1.Apache2 installation and virtual host setup1.1 Apache2 Ins... 2022.02.19 CentOS7.9_en
CentOS7.9_en CentOS7.9 : FTP Server Install FTP Server Installation1. vsftpd install2.vsftpd configurati... 2022.02.19 CentOS7.9_en
CentOS7.9_en CentOS7.9 : SSH connection with public-key SSH connection with authentication using RSA public key cryp... 2022.02.19 CentOS7.9_en
CentOS7.9_en CentOS7.9 : SSH , Fierwalld , NTP 1.Remote connection by SSHSSH is a service for connecting re... 2022.02.19 CentOS7.9_en
CentOS7.9_en CentOS7.9 : OS Install CentOS7.9 Install1.CentOS 7.9 DownloadCentOS7.9 installation... 2022.02.18 CentOS7.9_en
CentOS7.9_en CentOS7.9 : Logwatch , Disk usage check script 1. Logwatch①Install②Edit configuration file③Output Logwatch ... 2022.02.21 CentOS7.9_en
CentOS7.9_en CentOS7.9 : System Backup and Restore 1.Website data backup1.1 Backup under /var/www/html①Creating... 2022.02.22 CentOS7.9_en
CentOS7.9_en CentOS7.9 : MySQL8 , WordPress Mysql8 Install1.Preparation and ConfirmationIf MariaDB is al... 2022.02.20 CentOS7.9_en
CentOS7.9_en CentOS7.9 : Initial Settings 1.Disable SELinuxFirst, disable selinux. selinux is a featur... 2022.02.19 CentOS7.9_en