

Fedora39 ; Logwatch , Disk Usage Check Script

Fedora39 ; Logwatch , Disk Usage Check Script

Fedora39 ; OS Install

Fedora39 ; Download (Released on Nov 07, 2023) Fedora39 can be downloaded from the following mirror siteshttps://ftp.riken.jp/Linux/fedora/releases/39/Server/x86_64/iso/ The file to download is the "Fedora-Server-dvd-x86_64-39-1.5.iso" image Create an installation disk from the downloaded "Fedora-Server-dvd-x86_64-39-1.5.iso" image on a USB disk and install it on the actual device.

Fedora39 ; FTP Server(Vsftpd) , File Server(Samba)

1.FTP Server Installation 1. 1 vsftpd Install 2. vsftpd SSL/TLS Configure Vsftpd to use SSL/TLS 2.1 Create self-signed certificates This work is not required if you are using a trusted, legitimate certificate such as Let's Encrypt. 3. File server installation with Samba Build a file server with access rights that requires user authentication with Samba. Installation Procedure ① Create shared folders with access rights that require user authentication ②Creation of accessible groups ③Creation of users belonging to groups that can be accessed ④Configuration File Editing

Fedora39 ; Clamav , Mail Server

Clamav (anti-virus software)Install 1.Clamav install # dnf -y install clamav clamd clamav-update 2.Clam AntiVirus  Configuration File Edit Mail Server Install 1. Postfix 1.1 Install Install Postfix and build an SMTP server 2.Dovecot 2.1 dovecot install # dnf -y install dovecot 2.2 Edit dovecot.conf file Mail Server : Postfix + Clamav + Amavisd+SpamAssassin 1.Real-time scanning of e-mails ①Install Amavisd and Clamav Server

Fedora39 ; SNORT2 , Suricata , Tripwire

SNORT Snort is an open source network intrusion detection system capable of performing real-time traffic analysis and packet logging on IP networks. It can perform "protocol analysis," "content search," and "matching," and can be used to detect a variety of attacks, including "buffer overflows," "stealth port scans," "CGI attacks," "SMB probes," "OS fingerprinting attempts," "semantic URL attacks," and "server message block probes. Suricata SURICATA IDS/IPS is an open source IDS that monitors communications on the network and detects suspicious traffic. The basic mechanism is signature-based, so it can detect predefined unauthorized communications. Suricata is also characterized by its ability to provide protection as well as detection.

Fedora39 ; System Backup and Restore

1.Website data backup Backup under /var/www/html ①Create backup script file 2.MySQL database backup ①Create backup script file 3.Web configuration file (under html) restored ① Copy the HTML backup file to the "/ (root)" directory of the server to be used for restoration 4.Restore MySQL data ①Save database backup file to any directory

AlmaLinux8.8 ; SSL Certificate Acquisition( Let's Encrypt ) , Apache SSL , Mail SSL/TLS

1.SSL Certificate Acquisition ( Let's Encrypt ) Install the latest open ssl # dnf install openssl-devel 1.1 advance preparation 1.Package management system Snappy installation Since the SSL certificate issuing tool "certbot" of Let's Encrypt is recommended to be installed using "snap" after 2021, install Snapd first.(Can also be installed the traditional way with dnf or yum) 2. Converting Apache to https Install the following # dnf -y install mod_ssl 3. SSL/TLS (Let's Encrypt) settings on the mail server 3.1 Obtaining a certificate for the mail server Obtain a certificate for the mail server, but it cannot be obtained in the same way as above, so the following with the "--standalone" option fails.

AlmaLinux8.8 ; MySQL8 , WordPress

Mysql8 Install #dnf module -y install mysql:8.0 charset.cnf   Create a new one with the following contents WordPress Install 1. Create database for Word Press As an example, assume database [wp_db] database user [wp_user] password [?W123456]

AlmaLinux8.8 ; Tripwire , Logwatch , disk usage check script

Tripwire 1.Install # dnf install -y tripwire 2..Passphrase setting Set site passphrase and local passphrase Logwatch ①Install # dnf install logwatch -y ②Edit configuration file Introduce disk usage check script 3.1  Script Creation # cd /var/www/system # vi disk_capacity_check.sh Contents of disk_capacity_check.sh

AlmaLinux8.8 ; System Backup and Restore

1.Website data backup 1-1.Backup under /var/www/html ①Create backup script file # cd /var/www/system # vi backup_html.sh 2.MySQL database backup ①Create backup script file # cd /var/www/system # vi db_my_backup.sh 3.Restore backup files under html ①Store HTML backup files in "/ (root)" directory 4.Restore Mysql backup file ①Save the database backup file to any directory and (In the example, the directory is "/var/www/backup/db_bak".)Extracting data