
shutdown command

LINUX-Frequently used commands

shutdown command Quit and reboot the system.
shutdown  [Option]  [Time] [Message]
The shutdown command is used to terminate and reboot the system..
When the shutdown command is executed, a message is sent to the user that the system is terminating.
By specifying a time as an argument, the system will exit with a specified amount of time to spare.
Can only be run by a super user (root).
Frequently used options
-h   Shutting down and then stopping the system
-c   Aborting the shutdown process
-r   Reboot the system after shutting down
-f   The option "-f" is used in conjunction with "-r" for fast restarts.
Example: Shutting down the system.
$ su -  ← Become a super user
Password:  ← Enter root password
# shutdown -h now  ← Shutting down the system
Example: Reboot the system.
$ su -  ← Become a super user
Password:  ← Enter root password
# shutdown -r now  ← Reboot the system
Example: Shut down the system after 10 minutes.
$ su -  ← Become a super user
Password:  ← Enter root password
# shutdown -h 10  ← Shut down the system after 10 minutes
Example: Fast system reboot.
$ su -  ← Become a super user
Password:  ← Enter root password
# shutdown -rf now ← Fast reboot
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