
rm command

LINUX-Frequently used commands

rm command Delete file.
rm   [Option]  [file-name]
The rm command deletes the specified file..
Basically, you cannot remove directories, but you can by adding the option "-r".
It also deletes the entire tree below the directory, so be careful with it.
Frequently used options
-f  Do not display a message if you specify a file to which you do not have access rights or which does not exist
-i  Check before deleting a file
-r  Removes all trees under the specified directory.
Example: Delete a file.
$ rm data.dat  ←Delete the data.dat file
Example: Delete files for which you do not have write access.
$ rm temp.txt
rm: remove write-protected  normal empty file\`temp.txt\'? y
temp.txt  You will get a confirmation message because you do not have permission to write the file  (y=delete n=cancel)
Example: Force deletion of files for which you do not have write access.
$ rm  -f temp.txt    ← Option "-f" to force removal.
Example: Removing a directory.
$ rm  -r  dir1    ← Delete the directory "dir1" with the option "-r"
The rmdir command for directory removal can only be executed if the directory to be removed is empty, but the rm command option '-r' removes files even if they are stored inside.

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