
Slackware 15.0_en

Slackware 15.0_en

Slackware15.0 : Mail Server Install

Postfix Installation①Edit postfix configuration fileTo prevent unauthorized mail relay, configure Postfix to require authentication for outgoing mail as well, using Dovecot's SASL function.
Slackware 15.0_en

Slackware15.0 : WordPress Download and Installation

Database for WordPressCreate user, password and database for...
Slackware 15.0_en

Slackware15.0 : WEB server (Apache) , PHP , MariaDB installation

WEB server (Apache)Apache Installation①system update➁httpd i...
Slackware 15.0_en

Slackware15.0 : FTP (Vsftpd) server installation

Vsftpd ConfigurationSlackware has "vsftpd" installed by default, but it is not activated.  Edit the "vsftpd" configuration file to activate it.# vi /etc/vsftpd.confChange to line 12 NO.anonymous_enable=NOChange line 113 to YESlisten=YESAdd to last lineuse_localtime=YESEnable ftp as "inetd" is in charge of startup
Slackware 15.0_en

Slackware15.0 : Various settings after OS installation #2

SSH Remote ConnectionConfigure the default settings to increase the security of ssh connections.1. SSH service configuration file modificationModify the configuration file to change the SSH service settings.The SSH service configuration file is "/etc/ssh/sshd_config".
Slackware 15.0_en

Slackware15.0 : Installing packages

Installing packagesSelect installation media and other insta...
Slackware 15.0_en

Slackware 15.0 : Disk partition format

Partition formatting and directory mapping1.Launch Slackware...
Slackware 15.0_en

Slackware15.0 : SSH connect with public key

Creation of public and private key pairsCreate a public/private key pair for a user connecting to a Linux server using OpenSSH.Use ssh-keygen to create the key pair.The creation of a public/private key pair is performed with remote login user privileges.If you do not specify the destination and file name, id_ed25519 and id_ed25519.pub will be created in /home/(user name)/.ssh/. On the way, enter the password for the key.
Slackware 15.0_en

Slackware15.0 : Various settings after OS installation #I

Adding General UsersRoot is a privileged user and should not normally be logged in as root.You must create your own account separate from root. Create a login user with the following command# useradd huong# passwd huongNew password:Retype new password:passwd: password updated successfullyCreate user's home directorySetting up the use of the sudo commandTo grant sudo privileges to the created general user, use the command "visudo" as root and edit the file "sudoers".This time, "users belonging to the wheel group can use it; they will not be asked for their password when sudoing." Use the
Slackware 15.0_en

Slackware15.0 : Various settings during installation

Creating BootstickTo create an emergency Bootstick, insert a USB stick, select Create, and press Enter.Select Skip since you will not create it this time.Install Boot ManagerELILO InstallationIf installed on a machine with a UEFI boot PC or motherboard, the following screen will appearPCs running on UEFI firmware will not work with LILO, so proceed to install ELILO designed for EFI/UEFI systemsSelect skip and press Enter to continue
Slackware 15.0_en

Slackware 15.0 : Disk partitioning

PartitioningFirst, basic partitioning divides the disk space into two parts: / (root) and a partition for swap. The partition for swap must be prepared.1.Using gdisk commandsWhen gdisk is invoked, the following is displayed.gdisk always requires a device file name as an argument
Slackware 15.0_en

Slackware15.0 : OS image download, boot

About SlackwareSlackware is one of the Linux distributions.However, in the early days of Linux, it was one of the two major distributions so commonly used that it was said that Linux was either Slackware or Red Hat Linux.Launched in 1992, Slackware celebrates its 31st anniversary this year.The latest version is 15.0, released on February 4, 2022.Forte・High stability・Secure with few bugs and security holes・It is capable of high operating speeds. Slackware is fast because it installs only the components that users need.・Highly compliant with standards and suitable for servers・Slackware is simple to use, and if you can master it, you can create your own environment.・SlackBuilds, which automates the installation of apps, is available, and the SlackBuilds site has a database of scripts for creating various packages on your own. Furthermore, if you install sbopkg, you can browse the Slackbuilds database with a single command and automatically download, generate, and install packages.・Slackware allows you to use emacs, vim, and gimp, which are standard Linux applications.