

FreeBSD14.1 ; Jail Install

Jail It is a mechanism that allows multiple virtual FreeBSD environments to be created on a FreeBSD environment. A jail is an extension of chroot, and a jail environment (called a prisoners) built on a host ring (called a jailer) behaves as a FreeBSD machine running separately from the host environment. The prisoner cannot directly attach to the jailer or another parallel prisoner. Features of JAIL ・High speed operation because it is not emulation. ・Each prisoner can be assigned an IP address different from that of the jailer. ・Since the same file system is used for a jailer and a prisoner, it is necessary to be careful about the assignment of UID/GID. This time, build two prisoners (prisoner1 and prisoner2) in jailer (FreeBSD14.1)

FreeBSD14.x ; Zabbix7 Install

Installation of open source integrated monitoring software "Zabbix7". Zabbix is an open source integrated monitoring software for centralized monitoring of servers, networks and applications. It provides monitoring, fault detection and notification functions required for integrated monitoring. With Zabbix agent and SNMP support for many platforms, you can monitor your entire system with a single Zabbix. To run Zabbix, you will need the PHP programming language, MySQL/MariaDB as a database server, and a web server such as Apache or Nginx. In this case, we will assume that all of the following conditions have already been configured. This time we will install Zabbix 7.0 LTS released on 06/04/2024 in the following environment. FreeBSD14.1 IP( Apache/2.4.59 (FreeBSD) mysql Ver 8.0.35 PHP 8.3.6 (cli) PHP 8.3.6 (fpm-fcgi)


FreeBSD FreeBSD is UNIX-like open source OS software. In particular, its performance as a network operating system exceeds that of Linux-based systems, and it maintains stable performance even under high loads. FreeBSD is designed to be robust and sturdy with an emphasis on practicality, making it suitable for operating FTP, WWW, and e-mail servers for major companies and services. In this project, we will install FreeBSD 14.0, released on Nov 14, 2023, and build the server. Features High-speed, high-performance multi-platform capable of withstanding high workloads Adopted by many major companies Network security measures can be applied by restricting access Capable of operating small to large servers More than 33,000 dedicated software applications from commercial to personal use

FreeBSD14.1 ; Initial setting (Update binaries, Packages and Ports Collection)

After installing FreeBSD, we will start building the server, but it is difficult to work on the console screen, so we will change the SSH connection settings for now in order to operate the server from Windows using TeraTerm or other software. Enter the following command on the FreeBSD console screen # vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config Line 61. #PasswordAuthentication no → PasswordAuthentication yes Make the changes and reflect the settings with the following command # service sshd restart Now you can connect via SSH from TeraTerm on Windows (see the default settings for other operating systems for settings in TeraTerm).

FreeBSD14.1 ; Initial setup (Vim , SSH , firewall, NTP server)

1. Vim Install Install Vim, which you are familiar with as an editor, as follows # pkg install -y vim Edit the ".shrc" to make Vim available as the standard editor, and log in again to reflect the change. FreeBSD14 has sh as default shell. You can check the current SHELL with the following command

FreeBSD14.1 ; FTP Server , Samba Fileserver

1. FTP Server(Vsftpd) 1.1 advance preparation ①Private Key C...

FreeBSD14.1 ; WEB Server(Apache2) , MySQL8

1. Apache2 1.1 Install # cd /usr/ports/www/apache24 # make config There are many options, but we will proceed wit 1. Apache2 1.1 Install # cd /usr/ports/www/apache24 # make config There are many options, but we will proceed wit

FreeBSD14.1 ; Web Server SSL、Webmin

1. Web server (Apache) SSL conversion The ports can be further updated with FreeBSD's periodic job settings. Install certbot via pkg, and include a plugin for apache to update in webroot mode. 1.1 Installing the Certbot tool for Let's Encrypt Run the following command to install the Certbot package and the Apache HTTP plug-in

FreeBSD14.1 ; Mail Server(Postfix,Dovecot) , SSL/TLS

1. Obtaining a certificate for the mail server Obtain a certificate for the mail server to convert the mail server to SSL/TLS. Use the certbot that was used when the web server was converted to SSL. Stop the web server and execute the following command

FreeBSD14.1 ; Postfix ClamAV + Amavis + SpamassAssin

Install ClamAV on FreeBSD 14.1 and link it with Amavis against Postfix. ClamAV is anti-virus software. We will proceed on the assumption that you have already implemented Postfix. Before proceeding, update the Ports Collection. 1. ClamAV 1.1 Install # cd /usr/ports/security/clamav # make install clean Each option is installed by default for now clamav version check