OpenSUSE15.6 ; OS Install
OpenSUSEOpenSUSE is a Linux distribution that is community-based, free to the public, and active in adopting the latest technologies. It is sponsored by Novell and developed by the community. Originally, SUSE Linux was developed by SUSE, but after the acquisition of SUSE by Novell in 2003, Novell shifted the development structure to community-based by the OpenSUSE project as a distribution aiming for 100% open source, and changed the name from SUSE Linux to OpenSUSE Linux The name was changed to the current name.openSUSE is available as Leap, the stable version, and Tumbleweed, which uses a rolling-release model and is also the basis for the paid-for version of SUSE Linux Enterprise.Leap 15.6 will be released on June 12, 2024 and will provide up-to-date support for the latest hardware with improved YaST functionality and improved installers