

Debian12.5 ; MariaDB , WordPress Install

1. MariaDB 1.1 MariaDB Installation ①Install # pacman -S mariadb ➁Configure MariaDB # mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql 1.2 phpMyAdmin Installation Installed phpMyAdmin and configured it to operate MariaDB via web browser ①Install 2. Wordpress Install 2.1 Required library installation # pacman -S php-gd 2.2 Edit php.ini

Debian12.5 ; Suricata + Elastic Stack

Prerequisite. We will install Suricata IDS and ElasticStack on the following servers ・1st server Suricata IDS & Filebeat : Debian12.5 IP address ( ・2nd server ElasticStack & kibana : Ubunru22.04 IP address(  1st server Suricata Install SURICATA IDS/IPS is an open source IDS that monitors communications on the network and detects suspicious traffic. Its basic mechanism is signature-based, so it can detect predefined unauthorized communications. Suricata is also characterized by its ability to provide protection as well as detection.

Debian12.5 ; NTP ,FTP Server Installation

1. Install a time synchronization service NTP server # apt -y install chrony # vi /etc/chrony/chrony.conf # Lines 20-23.:Comment the default settings and add the NTP server for your time zone. #pool ntp.ubuntu.com     iburst maxsources 4 #pool 0.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org iburst maxsources 1 #pool 1.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org iburst maxsources 1 #pool 2.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org iburst maxsources 2

ArchLinux ; Web server SSL ( Let's Encrypt )

1.Obtain SSL Certificate ( Let's Encrypt ) Install the latest open ssl # pacman -S openssl 1.1 advance preparation 1.Package management system Snappy installation

ArchLinux ; MariaDB , WprdPress

1. MariaDB 1.1 MariaDB Installation ①Install # pacman -S mariadb ➁Configure MariaDB # mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql 1.2 phpMyAdmin Installation Installed phpMyAdmin and configured it to operate MariaDB via web browser ①Install 2. Wordpress Install 2.1 Required library installation # pacman -S php-gd 2.2 Edit php.ini