du command

LINUX-Frequently used commands

du command Check and display usage by directory.
du   [Option]  [directory]
The du command is used to check the disk usage status.
It displays the usage of the specified file or directory in blocks (one block is one kilobyte).
If no argument is specified, the information under the current directory will be displayed..
Frequently used options
-a   Display the capacity of files in the directory as well
-s   Display the total size including subdirectories
-s   Display the total size without including subdirectories
-b   Display the capacity in bytes
-k   Display capacity in kilobytes
Example: Displays the disk usage of subdirectories under the specified directory without options.
$   du   /usr/share
84            /usr/share/groff/
20           /usr/share/groff/
464         /usr/share/groff/
24           /usr/share/groff/
84           /usr/share/groff/
88           /usr/share/groff/
84           /usr/share/groff/
24           /usr/share/groff/
24           /usr/share/groff/
32           /usr/share/groff/
… abbreviation …
20           /usr/share/tabset
316980   /usr/share/
Example: Displays disk usage for files as well as directories
$  du -a /usr/share/
4            /usr/share/groff/
4            /usr/share/groff/
4            /usr/share/groff/
4            /usr/share/groff/
4            /usr/share/groff/
4            /usr/share/groff/
4            /usr/share/groff/
4            /usr/share/groff/
4            /usr/share/groff/
4            /usr/share/groff/
4            /usr/share/groff/
4            /usr/share/groff/
… abbreviation …
20           /usr/share/tabset
316980   /usr/share/
Example: Disk space is displayed with units for easy reading.
$  du -h /usr/share/
84K         /usr/share/groff/
20K        /usr/share/groff/
464K        /usr/share/groff/
24K        /usr/share/groff/
84K        /usr/share/groff/
88K        /usr/share/groff/
84K        /usr/share/groff/
24K        /usr/share/groff/
24K        /usr/share/groff/
32K        /usr/share/groff/
84K        /usr/share/groff/
… abbreviation …
20K        /usr/share/tabset
310M     /usr/share/
Example: Displays only the disk usage of the specified directory.
$ du -s   /home/koro
364100  /home/koro
$ du -sh   /home/koro
356M     /home/koro
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