
OracleLinux8.6 : Initial Setup

1. Install bash completion extension package

2. Disable SELinux

First, disable selinux. selinux is a feature that improves auditing and security in Linux, but when enabled, it places considerable restrictions on the behavior of services and on what can be configured. Therefore, it is basically disabled in many cases.

As it is, seinux will return to be enabled once the server is restarted, so to permanently disable selinux, modify the /etc/sysconfig/selinux file.

Change "SELINUX=enforcing" to "SELINUX=disabled"

3. Modernize the system

Package updates are performed as soon as possible immediately after OS installation.
However, when a dnf update is performed, a kernel update is also performed at the same time.
A kernel update may require rebooting the system or stopping services, or worse, a kernel panic may occur and the system may not boot. It is wiser to exclude the kernel from the update.
The kernel can be excluded from updates by running dnf -y update with "--exclude=kernel*" after it.

4. Services to be stopped due to security measures

Stop the following services that you deem unnecessary.

atd  Daemon that executes scheduled commands on a one-time basis.
kdump  When a system crashes, the service saves a dump file to help determine the cause.
lvm2-monitor Daemon for fault monitoring when using Logical Volume Manager (LVM)
mdmonitor  Software RAID Monitoring Services
smartd  Obtain self-diagnostic function information by S.M.A.R.T. of Hard Dix
tuned Use CPU governor to force CPU to run at maximum performance

5. Adding Repositories

5.1 Add EPEL repository

5.2  Add Remi's RPM repository

6. Network configuration (command line configuration method)

6.1 Host Name Change

Change the host name to Lepard to try it out

6.2 Static IP address setting

If the default setting is to obtain an IP address via DHCP during OS installation, change the network settings to a fixed IP address if necessary.
First, find out the name of your network interface with the following command
This time it is "ens160"

Edit the network configuration file and change the static IP address to "".

Reflect settings

7. Network configuration (how to configure via GUI)

7.1 Static IP address setting

If the default setting is to obtain an IP address via DHCP during OS installation, change the network settings to a fixed IP address if necessary. In this case, the network interface is named "ens160"
Change the address of the IPv4 configuration

7.2  Host Name Change

Change the host name to Lepard to try it out

8. Vim Settings

①Installing Vim Extensions
②Apply and reflect Vim
③Configure Vim as a user-specific environment

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