
OpenSUSE15.4 : Initialization

1. Using su command

Not required if root password is set at the time of installation
If you set a root password, set it as follows
Log in as a general user

2. Modernize the system

To modernize the system, enter the following command

3. locate Install

The find command is used to search for a specific file on the entire Linux system, but find's options are somewhat confusing.
In such cases, it is useful to have the locate command available, which can extract all files with a given filename


Create database

Example of executing the locate command

4. Services suspended due to security measures

Services that are considered unnecessary are stopped and kept stopped after rebooting

5. Vim

5.1. Install

No official repositories are available, so repositories are introduced from the community.

5.2. Setting

①Apply command aliases as your own user-specific environment

# Reflects changes

②Vim configuration
Apply to individual users. If you want to apply it to all users, put it in "/etc/vimrc".

6. Network Settings

Host name and static IP address settings

・Changed host name to Lepard
・Fixed IP address (

First, find out the name of your network interface with the following command
This time it is "eth0"

In most cases, the router's address is "", "", and so on.
We will use "" as an example.

Select "System" → "Network Settings" in the initial yast menu.

"Network Settings" → "OverView"  →  "Edit"

"Network Card Setup"   "Statically Assigned IP Address" check
IP Address  :
Subnet Mask : /24
Hostname : Lepard

””Network Settings" "Hostname/DNS"
Set Hostname via DHCP : no
Name Server 1 : Address)

””Network Settings" "Routing"
Enable IPv4 Fowarding : check
GatewayGateway : Address)

IPv6 invalidate

# Reflects changes
Copied title and URL