
OpenSUSE15.5 : Snort2 Install


Snort is a network-based IDS (Intrusion Detection System). It captures packets flowing over a network and detects suspicious packets.
The source file is used directly from https://snort.org/.

1.1 Advance preparation

Install required libraries

1.2 SNORT & daq Download,Install

①daq Download,Install
Create a working directory and download in that directory

➁Lua Install

➂Create fake release files

④SNORT Install
If you do not use the Lua programming interface, add the option "-disable-open-appid"

Create a soft link between "/usr/sbin/snort" and the binary file "/usr/local/bin/snort"

1.3 User and Group Creation

1.4 Directory, file creation, permissions

creating white_list.rules, black_list.rules ,local.rules

Copy all "*.conf" and "*.map" files from the Snort source to Snort's system folder

1.5 Download Rules

①Download Community Rules.
Go to the root/ folder, unzip and copy the rules to the correct system directory with "cp" as already done elsewhere

Use the "sed" command to comment out unnecessary lines in "snort.conf".
If you do not want to install anything other than the community rules, you can use this command to comment out the rest

②Retrieve registered user rules
Once registered on the Snort website, you can download registered user rules using an Oink code; the Oink code is located in your Snort user account details.
Replace oinkcode in the following command with your personal code

Once download is complete, extract rules to the configuration directory

1.6 Edit Snort configuration file

1.7 Check settings

①Check configuration files

If all is well, you will see something like this

ERROR: /etc/snort/rules/classification.config(0) Unable to open rules file "/etc/snort/rules/classification.config": No such file or directory.
If you get an error like the above, copy the file in question as follows

②Preparation for Operational Tests

Open "local.rules" and add the line "alert icmp any any -> $HOME_NET any (msg: "ICMP test"; sid:10000001; rev:001;)" for testing

③Test Snort in a terminal

Check the network interface first with the "ip addr" command and start Snort in a console or terminal

ERROR: /etc/snort/rules/snort.conf(325) => Invalid keyword 'preprocessor' for server configuration.
Fatal Error, Quitting..
If you get an error like the above
in /etc/snort/rules/snort.conf
decompress_swf { deflate lzma } \  
decompress_pdf { deflate }

Comment out the following
#decompress_swf { deflate lzma } \  
decompress_pdf { deflate }

When pinging this server from a PC in the same network, the following is displayed in the server's console

1.8 Check log files

1.9 Creation of "snort.service"

The network interface "eth0" should be customized for each environment and should have the following contents

Finally, start, stop, and status of Snort services

Copied title and URL