
OpenSUSE15.4 : MariaDB , WordPress Install

1. MariaDB

Update the server package

1.1 MariaDB  install



③Check  installed

④Start and enable MariaDB service

Ensure services are started upon reboot

Check the status of the service and make sure it is actually running

Active: active (running) Indicates that the service is running

⑤Security of MariaDB installation

Change the password for the root user of the MariaDB server.

⑥Check the version of MariaDB

Confirmation Method #2
Log in as root user with the newly specified root password.

⑦Firewalld is enabled and the service is allowed to use MariaDB remotely.

1.2 phpMyAdmin Install

Installed phpMyAdmin and configured it to operate MariaDB via web browser

②Access http://<IP address>/phpMyAdmin in your browser
The following login screen will appear
Username : root
Password:  Password for the root user set in the MariaDB security installation
Go click

The following phpMyAdmin settings screen appears

1.3 MariaDB Example of database and user creation

I'll create a user, password, and database for wordpress to install next.
database :  wp_db
user : wp_user
password : ?WHxx333Yo

2. WordPress Install

2.1 Required library installation

2.2 WordPress Download and Installation

2.3 Editing Configuration Files

Move the expanded contents under /srv/www/htdocs/[web public directory]
After confirming that the files have been moved, delete the wordpress directory and the downloaded latest.tar.gz
Make apache the owner of the wordpress directory.

2.4 Startup Confirmation

Connect to http://<FQDN>/wp-admin/install.php with your browser, enter your username, password, and other necessary information to start the installation
Access the WordPress administration screen in the figure below, and you will see the initial settings installation screen including "User Name" and "Password".
Site Title : Any title
Username : Any user name
Password : Any password
Your Email : Administrator's email address
Click "Install WordPress"

You will be prompted to enter your "Username or Email Address" and "Password" to the WordPress administration screen.
Copied title and URL