
Slackware15.0 : SSH connect with public key

 Creation of public and private key pairs

Create a public/private key pair for a user connecting to a Linux server using OpenSSH.
Use ssh-keygen to create the key pair.

The creation of a public/private key pair is performed with remote login user privileges.
If you do not specify the destination and file name, id_ed25519 and id_ed25519.pub will be created in /home/(user name)/.ssh/. On the way, enter the password for the key.

Save the created private key id_ed25519 to an appropriate location on windows using winSCP.
Start Winscp and click "New Session"

Host name  :  Server IP Address
Port number : SSH port number
User name : Server Login User
Password : Password for the same user

Site name : Any name

After confirming the server, click "Login".

Click "Update" when the following screen appears

Password of the logged-in user in the Password field

When connected, the right column is the server side and the left column is the PC (Windows) side.
Save the file "id_ed25519" in the .ssh directory to an appropriate location on Windows in the left column.

Editing SSH Configuration File

Edit the SSH configuration file to disable password authentication.
This time, use su - to become root instead of a normal user.

How to connect with Tera Term
Start Tera Term, and select "File" menu "New connection"

画像に alt 属性が指定されていません。ファイル名: 58091198d97317f2f81b754a0703223e.png

Host : Server IP Address
TCP port : SSH port number

If you get the following security warning "Replace…. and click "Continue".

User name : Login username
Password :Password specified in the creation of a public/private key pair
Under "Use RSA/DSA/ECDSA/ED25519 key to log in", set "Private key file:" to "id_ed25519" that you just saved in Windows.
Click "OK"

Creating a private key using PuTTYgen

Start Winscp and launch [Run Puttygen] from [Tools].
Select the appropriate server.

Click Load

The [ Open File Dialog ] will open, change the file type to [ All Files (. Change the file type to [ All Files (. *) ] and load the private key id_ed25519 that was transferred from the Linux server.

The password is the password set in "Creating a public and private key pair" above

Click on "Save private key"

Save the file with the extension ".ppk" in the same place as "id_ed25519" saved earlier on the Windows side under the name "id_ed25519.ppk".

Select the appropriate server and click "Edit"

Click on "Advanced"

Open the "Authentication" menu and specify "id_ed25519.ppk" saved in Windows for "Private key file

Click "Save"

Click on "Login"

The password is the password set in "Creating a public and private key pair" above

When connecting with Tera Term
Specify "id_ed25519.ppk" saved in windows

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