
Slackware15.0 : Various settings after OS installation #I

Adding General Users

Root is a privileged user and should not normally be logged in as root.
You must create your own account separate from root. Create a login user with the following command

Create user's home directory

Setting up the use of the sudo command

To grant sudo privileges to the created general user, use the command "visudo" as root and edit the file "sudoers".
This time, "users belonging to the wheel group can use it; they will not be asked for their password when sudoing." Use the

Specify commands that can be used with sudo.

Registration to wheel group
Register the created user huong to the wheel group
Display the group to which the current huong belongs

It still belongs only to the huong group.
We will add it to the wheel group so that sudo can be used.
Enter it in the format usermod -G {group to belong to} {username}.

Check your group affiliation

Japanese localization

If you are using the system in a Japanese environment (not used this time)
Do it with "root" user authority


Synchronize time

Edit ntp.conf to configure ntpd

Start /etc/rc.d/rc.ntpd with execute permission.

Check the time

Package Management

Slackware uses the package management program "slackpkg".

1.Check repository settings

Repository is not configured and needs to be configured and updated
Repository Settings

Or describe the following mirror sites
For 64bit  https://mirror.slackware.jp/slackware/slackware64-15.0
For 32bit  https://mirror.slackware.jp/slackware/slackware-15.0

Update Package List

2.Installing a new package

If there are new additional packages, they will appear as follows
We will install all of them, so continue to ENTER

3.When the configuration file is updated

Sometimes a package update also updates the configuration file.
In such cases, the following message will appear at the end of the message.

If there is a kernel upgrade, be sure to press the ENTER key when the following is displayed

Return to command entry and be sure to take the following actions

4.Removing Excluded Packages

Remove the package so that it does not remain in the trash.

Vim Preferences

Create the following two files

The "/etc/skel/.bashrc" is written as follows

If "/sbin" is not in the path, do the following

Create ".vimrc"

Perform the following

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