
OracleLinux9.4 : OS INSTALL 、Initialization


Oracle Linux provides a 100% application binary compatible alternative to Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS Linux for both hybrid and multi-cloud environments.
Since 2006, Oracle Linux has been completely free to download and use. Source code, binaries and updates are provided free of charge. It is freely redistributable. Free for use in production environments.

We will proceed with the latest Oracle Linux 9.4 (released May 15, 2024).

1.Oracle Linux9.4 Download

Download the Oracle Linux 9.4 installation image (OracleLinux-R9-U4-x86_64-dvd.iso ) from the following site

2.Oracle Linux 9.4 Install

Install USB media, change BIOS settings to boot from USB media, and install.
The installation procedure is the same as for Oracle Linux 9.3, so please refer to the following page

Initial setup after installation

1.Install bash completion extension package

2.Disabling SELinux

First, disable selinux. selinux is a feature that improves auditing and security in Linux, but when enabled, it places considerable restrictions on the behavior of services and on what can be configured. Therefore, it is basically disabled in many cases.
SELinux operating modes
Enforcing : SELinux functionality is enabled and access control is enabled
Permissive :SElinux will warn, but no access restrictions will be placed
disabled : Both SElinux function and access control are disabled
①Current SELinux status

②Switching to [permissive] mode

③Switch to [enforcing] mode

④To completely disable SELinux, a reboot is required by adding selinux=0 to the kernel command line as follows

※ To return SELinux to active, do the following (reboot after changes)

3.System Modernization

Update packages as soon as possible after OS installation.

4.Services to be stopped due to security measures

Stop the following services that you deem unnecessary.

5.Adding Repositories

5.1 Added EPEL repository and epel-next repository
5.2 Added Remi's RPM repository

6.Network configuration (command line configuration method)

6.1 Host Name Change

Change the host name to Lepard to try it out

6.2 Static IP address setting

If the default setting is to obtain an IP address via DHCP during OS installation, change the network settings to a fixed IP address if necessary.

First, find out the name of your network interface with the following command
In this case, it is “ens160”.

In Oraclelinux8, this could be changed by rewriting the ifcfg-xxx file that was in network-scripts, but in Oraclelinux9, the ifcfg format is deprecated and by default, NetworkManager creates new profiles in this format and no longer exists.
Change it with the “nmcli” command.
Change the static IPv4 address to “”.

7.Network configuration (how to configure via GUI)

7.1 Static IP address setting

Change the address of the IPv4 configuration

Use the TAB key to move to the bottom and click OK.

7.2 Host Name Change

Change the host name to Lepard to try it out

8.Vim Settings

①Installing Vim Extensions

②Apply and reflect Vim

③Configure Vim as a user-specific environment

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