
MiracleLinux8.8 : Initial setup after OS installation

1. Disable SELinux

First, disable selinux. selinux is a feature that improves auditing and security in Linux, but when enabled, it places considerable restrictions on the behavior of services and on what can be configured. Therefore, it is basically disabled in many cases. If you build a server while browsing a website and it does not work as expected, it may be due to the fact that selinux is enabled. Therefore, do not forget to disable it after installation.
You can disable it by doing the following

If this is not done, seinux will be enabled again when the server is restarted, so to permanently disable selinux, modify the /etc/sysconfig/selinux file.

2. Services stopped for system modernization and security measures

2.1 system modernization

2.2 Services suspended due to security measures

3. Adding Repositories

3.1 PowerTools / HighAvailability

This repository is newly available in MIRACLE LINUX 8.4.
How to use
PowerTools and HighAvailability can be used by updating the miraclelinux-repos and activating the repository.
First, update miraclelinux-repos to 8.4-3.el8 or later. After the update, the following repository files will be added to /etc/yum.repos.d.


①PowerTools can be used by activating the repository as follows

※ When installing istack-commons provided by PowerTools, the javapackages-tools module must be manually activated beforehand.
Since istack-commons is also required to install the "MIRACLE LINUX PowerTools" group, the javapackages-tools module is also activated after the PowerTools repository is activated.

② HighAvailability is available by activating the repository as follows

3.2 Add EPEL repository

EPEL provides a package for adding repositories for RHEL 8, so even with MIRACLE LINUX 8.8, you only need to install the package to use it.

After installation, the following repository files will be added to /etc/yum.repos.d and made available.

3.3 Added Remi's RPM repository

This repository is unique in that it provides multiple versions of PHP packages, including the most recent. As an example, the following packages are provided
php5.6 php7.0 php7.1 php7.2 php7.3 php7.4 php8.0 php8.1 php8.2 php8.3

Remi provides a package for adding repositories for RHEL 8, so even if you are using MIRACLE LINUX 8.8, you only need to install the package to use Remi.

After installation, the following repository files will be added to /etc/yum.repos.d and made available.

4.Network Settings

4.1 Check network device name

The network device name can be found as "ens160"

4.2 Host Name Change

Change the host name to Lepard to try it out

4.3 Static IPv4 address setting

Since 4.1, the name of the network interface is "ens160".
Change it with the "nmcli" command.
Change the static IPv4 address to "".

Change with "nmcli" command

4.4 IPv6 Disable

Sets the ipv6.method parameter of the connection to disabled

Reboot network connection

View and verify device IP settings

If you do not see the inet6 entry, IPv6 is disabled on the device

Check that the /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/ens160/disable_ipv6 file contains the value 1

4. Vim Settings

①Vim Install

Reflects changes

②Configure Vim as a user-specific environment

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