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Change the default permissions for files and directories

Change the default permissions for files and directories

When you create a new file or directory, it will have default permissions. To change the default permissions, use the umask command.

Permissions in octal notation
flag notation     rwx
corresponding octal number      421

●Check the current default permissions

Check the current default permissions
[nuy@Lion nuy]$ umask ←Run the "umask" command

0022 ←The default permissions will be displayed

Checking permissions on directories and files

[nuy@Lion nuy]$ mkdir sampdir ←Create the directory sampdir
[nuy@Lion nuy]$ ls -ld sampdir
drwxr-xr-x 2 nuy nuy 4096 Sep 12 15:45 sampdir/
↑Permissions are 777-022=755
[nuy@Lion nuy]$ touch samptxt ←Create the file samptxt

[nuy@Lion nuy]$ ls -l samptxt
-rw-r--r-- 1 nuy nuy 0 Sep 12 16:00 samptxt
↑Permissions are 666-022=644

●Changing the permission value

[nuy@Lion nuy]$ umask 0002 ←Run the umask command
[nuy@Lion nuy]$ mkdir sampdir2 ←Create the directory sampdir2
[nuy@Lion nuy]$ ls -ld sampdir2
drwxrwxr-x 2 nuy nuy 4096 Sep 12 17:00 sampdir2/
↑Permissions are 777-002=775
[nuy@Lion nuy]$ touch samptxt2
[nuy@Lion nuy]$ ls -l samptxt2
-rw-rw-r-- 1 nuy nuy 0 Sep 12 18:00 samptxt2
↑Permissions are 666-002=664
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