
Debian11.3 : MySQL8 , WordPress Install

1. MySQL 8  Install

1. 1 Update package index

Install necessary packages

1.2 Import MySQL Community Repository

Import GPG keys

Import Repository

Perform APT update

1.3 MySQL Install

Enter MySQL root password twice

View about the new authentication system

Select [OK]

Match the authentication plugin defaults and select [OK]

aptpolicy installation

operation check

Mysql version confirmation

1.4. MySQL Server Security Settings

Run the tool mysql_secure_installation to configure security-related settings for the MySQL server.
Once executed, the tool will start several security settings in the form of questions. First, you will be asked if you want to use a plugin for password validation, as shown below. Password validation checks the strength of a user's password for MySQL and restricts it to only accepting passwords that are secure enough. For example, it must be at least as many characters long as the user's password and must contain at least one symbol and one number. You can set this requirement by asking the following questions
Type y and press Enter if you like

Installation Status

Finally, the security settings are complete when you see the message "All done!

When accessing MySQL, use the

2.Install WordPress

2.1 Database Creation

Create a database for Word Press (for example, in this case, the database name is "wp_db", the user name is "wp_user", and the password is "?Y123456y")
If you receive a message "Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements" when creating an account, please make sure your password is at least 8 characters long and includes upper and lower case letters, numbers, symbols, etc.

2.2 WordPress Download and Installation

①Download and Deployment

②Edit WordPress configuration file

Edit contents of wp-config.php

③Moving Files

After confirming that the files have been moved, delete the wordpress directory and the downloaded latest.tar.gz

④Make apache the owner of the wordpress directory

⑤Access from a browser
Access http://<own domain name>/wp-admin.
If successful, the following WordPress installation information input screen will be output.

「Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.」When displayed

Install php library-related software if not already installed.

Restart Apache after installation is complete.

Access http://[domain name]/wp-admin.

On the following input screen

  • Site Title   Any name
  • Username   Any name
  • Password  Any password
  • Your Email  Administrator's email address

Enter the information and click "Install WordPress". Remember to enter your "username" and "password" as they are required to access the WordPress administration screen.

Copied title and URL