
Debian11.5 : NTP ,FTP Server Installation

1. Install NTP server

Setting Reflection

Operation check

2. Install FTP Server

2.1 Install Vsftpd

2.2 Edit Vsftpd configuration file

Next, create a new vsftpd.chroot_list under etc.
Add your Debian username (e.g. huong) to this file.

Enable vsftpd and restart

2.3 Check FTP connection

Check with FTP client
In this case, we will use FileZilla.
Start FileZilla select "Site Manager" from the "File" menu.

Click on "New site" and then
Protocol : FTP File Transfer Protocol
Host : Server IP Address
Port :
Encryption : Use explicit FTP over TLS if avaliable
Logon Type : Ask for password
User : Login User Name
Click "Connect"

Password : the password you set when you created your SSH public key.

If the Windows directory appears on the left and the Ubuntu directory on the right, the connection is successful.

Copied title and URL