
ArchLinux : Initial settings after OS installation

1. User Account Creation

Add user (huong) to wheel group and create home directory

User (huong) password setting

Grant sudo privileges to the added huong user

2 . Configuration of the text editor vim

Vim was already installed during the Arch Linux installation, so this is just a configuration file.
If you are installing vim

Create a new ~/.vimrc to make the vim editor easier to use

3. Network Connections

■ If using systemd-resolved, create /etc/resolv.conf as a link file

■ If systemd-resolved is not used
Edit /etc/resolv.conf

4. Static IP address setting

Edit /etc/systemd/network/mynet.network, which was created during the installation process.
For example, set the IP address to "
Set the network interface name "ens160" to match your environment.

Name=ens160 network interface name
DNS= Router IP Address
Gateway= Router IP Address

Reflection of settings

5. Running 32-bit applications in a 64-bit environment

Edit the /etc/pacman.conf file so that the packages in the multilib repository are required and available

Get package list for multilib

6. AUR Helper

Arch Linux has a useful Arch User Repository (AUR), so install the AUR Helper "yay" to use the AUR.
You cannot install it as root, so log in as a general user and install it.
Install git beforehand.

7. Time Synchronization

Install ntp as it uses ntp to get the time from an NTP server

Edit ntp configuration file

Enable Services

Check if synchronization is running (if marked with *, it is synchronized)

Thereafter, log in as the created user, and if necessary, use # su - to log in as the root user to set up the environment.
Then strengthen the firewall and SSH connection security.

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