AlmaLinux9.4 ; OS Install , Various settings

1.AlmaLinux 9.4

AlmaLinux OS is a project launched by CloudLinux in the US as an alternative to CentOS. Currently, the AlmaLinux OS Foundation is the development parent organization.Following the general availability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.0, AlmaLinux 9.0 was released on May 26, 2022.
Like Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9, AlmaLinux 9 utilizes the same package versions as the Linux 5.14 kernel, GCC 11, Python 3.9, and RHEL9.
Cockpit web management interface, enhanced kernel live patching, improved container and cloud integration, OpenSSL 3, and other security improvements.
This time we will install AlmaLinux 9.4 with a minor upgrade on May 4, 2024.

1.1 AlmaLinux 9.4 Download

For the AlmaLinux 9.4 installation image, go to the following site and download "AlmaLinux-9.4-x86_64-dvd.iso".

1.2 AlmaLinux 9.4 Install

Install USB media Change BIOS settings to boot from USB media.
The installation procedure is the same as for AlmaLinux 9.3, so please refer to the following page.

2.  Disabling SELinux

First, disable selinux. selinux is a feature that improves auditing and security in Linux, but when enabled, it places considerable restrictions on the behavior of services and on what can be configured. Therefore, it is basically disabled in many cases.
SELinux operating modes
Enforcing : SELinux functionality is enabled and access control is enabled
Permissive : SElinux will warn, but no access restrictions will be placed
disabled : Both SElinux function and access control are disabled

Current SELinux status

Switching to [permissive] mode

Switching to [enforcing] mode

④To completely disable SELinux, a reboot is required by adding selinux=0 to the kernel command line as follows

※ To return SELinux to active, do the following (reboot after changes)

3. System Modernization

Update packages as soon as possible after OS installation.
A kernel update may require rebooting the system or stopping services, or worse, a kernel panic may occur and the system may not boot. It is wiser to exclude the kernel from the update.
The kernel can be excluded from updates by running dnf -y update with "--exclude=kernel*" after it.

4. Services to be stopped due to security measures

5. Adding Repositories

5.1 Add EPEL repository

5.2 Added Remi's RPM repository

6. Network Settings

6.1 Check network device name

The network device name can be found as "ens160"

6.2 Host Name Change

Change the host name to Lepard to try it out

6.3 Static IPv4 address configuration

The name of the network interface is "ens160" from 6.1
In Rockylinux8.x, this could be changed by rewriting the ifcfg-xxx file found in network-scripts, but in Rockylinux9.x
directory is empty and this method cannot be used, so use the "nmcli" command to change it.
Change the static IPv4 address to "".
Change by "nmcli" command

Change by "nmcli" command

➁Change in GUI

Change the fixed IPv4 address to "" as above.

Change the address of the IPv4 configuration

Use the [Tab] key to move to the bottom column and click .

6.4 Host Name Change

Change the hostname to Lepard
Return to the first screen of [NetworkManager TUI], select [Set system hostname], and click <OK>.

Enter [Hostname] and click <OK>

7. Vim Configuration

Vim Install

Apply and reflect Vim

onfigure Vim as a user-specific environment

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