netstat command

LINUX-Frequently used commands

netstat command View network information
netstat  [Option] [Interfaces(NIC)]
The netstat command is used to display network usage..
If executed without options, the available network addresses are displayed when the command is executed.
option can be specified to display the routing table and detailed information.
Frequently used options
-a    Show all information
-i     Display information about the network interface
-r     Displaying the routing table (route information)
-v    View more information
-e    View more detailed information
-c    Display information every second
Example: View network information.
$  netstat
Active UNIX domain sockets (w/o servers)

Proto RefCnt Flags Type State I-Node Path
unix 3 [ ] DGRAM 8581 /run/systemd/notify
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 8583 /run/systemd/cgroups-agent
unix 5 [ ] DGRAM 8597 /run/systemd/journal/socket
unix 30 [ ] DGRAM 8599 /dev/log
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 27339 /var/run/chrony/chronyd.sock
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 17378 /run/systemd/shutdownd
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 32394
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 32378
unix 3 [ ] DGRAM 18260
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 32393
unix 3 [ ] DGRAM 18261
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 7851800 /run/systemd/journal/stdout
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 30564
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 32376
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 28020
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 32375
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 30135
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 32373
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 28823
unix 3 [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 7849912
unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 40474.
Example: Displaying the routing table
$ netstat -r
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface
default buffalo.setup UG 0 0 0 eth0 U 0 0 0 eth0
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